All of a sudden my hand hurts and I can't pick anything up. What is happening to me
Help me please : All of a sudden my hand hurts and... - Ataxia UK
Help me please
Hi there. This has happened to me just recently. My middle and little fingers on my left hand are very painful for no apparent reason and I'm having trouble with picking things up. I had an x ray but it didn't show anything. I also woke up one morning with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and had to wear splints before having 2 separate operations on my elbows to alleviate the pain.
Unfortunately I think we just get aches and pains for no apparent reason. I suffered with unbearable leg pain for months for which I was prescribed Morphene then suddenly one day it just went. No one really understands why we get these random pains we just do. Anyone with Ataxia will tell you the same thing. Some of us do and some don't. We just have to adapt and do whatever is best for you.
Sorry not much help I know but my consultant said to try Cannabis off the record of course Which I did but it just made me sleep so it worked for the pain I suppose. I know that plenty of people use it as pain relief. Like I said, whatever works for you.
Take care x
Make an appoimtment to see your GP as soon as possible, you need to get that checked.
It's important that you have that checked out by a doctor, as soon as possible, ma'am. I have some carpal tunnel syndrome in one hand, and peripheral neuropathy in both hands. Sometimes it gets painful. One time my hand gave out and I dropped a pie, as I was taking it out of the oven. Other times, I've had a sudden pain in my hand and have trouble moving it. That always goes away and I'm ok after a few moments. I have arthritis in my joints, in addition to Cerebellar Ataxia, so my hands don't clutch things as well as they used to. I am very clumsy sometimes. I have a tremor in one hand that seems to always be there, and jerking movement when I try to pick up things, from the CA. Having a professional medical exam and opinion would be beneficial, so that this concern of yours can be properly evaluated, Please don't panic! Thank you for reaching out to the community for those with Ataxia.
I do some paraclimbing,disabled rock climbing, one thing my coach said about my hands and arms was that i would be putting great strain through them and over the years they would become possibly painful to use. he suggested using some exercise balls called Gripsaver plus balls from Metolius, these are resistance balls that i can squash and also have elastic around fingers to provide resistance to stretch my hands as well.
The other treatment i can think of is omega 3 capsules that are suppose to help with joint and muscle pain. hope this is of help to you. good luck
My husband seems to have a similar thing with his feet......hobbling around yesterday in agony!