I wondered if anyone here has anything good or bad to say about chiropractic. Is it effective particularly for neck pain and general posture whilst seated in a wheelchair?
Ataxia and Chiropractic: I wondered if anyone here... - Ataxia UK
Ataxia and Chiropractic
Hi medea
I have never seen a chiropractor but my neck pain and posture is much better since starting pilates at the beginning of the year. I only use a wheelchair occasionally.
Although I only know people who don't have ataxia that have been to a chiropractor for neck and back pain I have not heard a negative review, on the contrary. My philosophy is if you don't try you won't know!
Best wishes
Dear Medea, I'm not in a wheelchair, but do use a cane (walking stick). I tried chiropractic for several sessions and found it helpful for my neck pain. I had to quit attending, as it got expensive and was not covered at all by my insurance. I would definitely give it a try for your neck pain and posture! Also, thanks HarryB, as I'm going to try pilates! My best to you...,;o)
Hi I have had CA for over 30 years I do use a stick & a walker but don't need a wheelchair as yet. I have had regular chiropractic treatment for about 8 years & would really recommend it as an effective treatment for back & neck pain not helped by ataxia.
I do think that you need to find the right Chiropractor one who is both sympathetic to & understanding of the challenges of ataxia.
May sound a bit dramatic but I am convinced that without regular treatment I would be far less mobile by now & my ataxia would seem worse.
If you have an opportunity try it that's the only way to see if it works for you -- hope this helps.