ESA application : I am a bit confused! I thought... - Ataxia UK

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ESA application

wendygirl profile image
9 Replies

I am a bit confused! I thought it takes 13 weeks to be assessed for ESA but I am now in my 18th week with no sign of a decision, today I got a letter asking for another medical note but no update.

My GP and two of my consultants have expressed that I am unfit for work. I was forced to leave my job back in April this year, even the company GP said I was not fit to work. So why is taking so long? Really struggling financially, because I own my own home I am not entitled to any benefits and my husband earn £30 too much per week for any other benefit.

At a loss what to do next?

Wendygirl ❤️❤️

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wendygirl profile image
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9 Replies
WirelessPaul profile image

Do not be confused, look back at how the conservatives have treated illness and disability related benefits. It was all a matter of who we chose to govern the country. I cannot see things improving as we continually hear stories of failure in this area.

anihol profile image

Don't worry too much they will back pay you. Check with pip as I've been given this based on my contributions not on an amount both me and my husband earn.

wendygirl profile image
wendygirl in reply to anihol

At the moment I still get DLA mine hasn't changed over to PIP yet.

margaretm profile image

Agree totally with Paul. Seem to remember Liam Fox- once a doctor- recently suggesting we should spend less on benefits and more on defence.

Really sorry for your situation and glad that you had, at least, the medics' support. Fingers crossed for a good resolution.

DeniseLB profile image

I am getting the idea that you are not receiving any payment from ESA; I don’t understand that as a doctor’s certificate is enough to start it off. There is a form that you should have received and filled out, luckily for me my sister dealt with that. The next stage is a Health Assessment, which do attend by any means as if you miss this assessment without good reason or at least one that they think is good they will cut your benefit even if your GP or Consultant are totally behind you. I know because this happened to me. I have lost about 80% of my ability so my GP requested a home visit as the only centre that they (DWP) would see me at was over 10 miles from my house. I like you own my own home but don’t have any other support. Without real notice my benefit was cut off in March this year. Since then I have been going through the appeal process, which they make as hard as possible. According to the powers that be they think I can live on my £220.00 per month PIP payment! I am just about holding my head up living off my credit card. If you are not already then apply for PIP. There is a very long form to fill out, but get your husband to do that for you. I have just put in a new application as I was only receiving the daily living allowance and I feel I am entitled to the mobility allowance. This is totally independent of the ESA and at least for me much more helpful. I have my ESA appeal date now for 22nd August.

I read some of the comments left and it was the Labour party that gave the DWP such power, it is just that the Conservatives have not done anything about it. I have probably gone way beyond what you want to know, but about 50% of the DWP do not play nice as they know any come back on them is hard. As I have found out.

wendygirl profile image
wendygirl in reply to DeniseLB

Hello, I am getting some money from ESA but it's not enough to cover all my costs 🙁

DeniseLB profile image

As I mentioned before you need to apply for PIP, if you get the full amount from that it is about £440.00 per month. With ESA it will give you around £732.00 per month. It is at least enough to pay monthly bills. Just document everything you do as I got screwed and it has been really hard. To actually get your head around what is happening is hard enough, my family did step up and I owe all of them money. It starts to feel like your health comes second to everything else. Can I ask where you live in the country?

I want to try and meet up with anyone that is going through this.

wendygirl profile image

Hello, I am still getting DLA mine hasn't changed to PIP yet I think I am one of the last as classed as indefinite but that might not apply when I move over to PIP.

I live in Essex, it would be good to meet up as then we can advise each other on what to do but more importantly support each other xx

Smallblackdog profile image

Go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau - it's free, they understand, they deal with this DWP nonsense every day.

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