I always seem to catch a cold easily or chest infections easily, does anyone else with Ataxia also get this? I seem to feel really ill when im ill and is this due to a weak immune system?
Does anyone else with Ataxia notice that they al... - Ataxia UK
Does anyone else with Ataxia notice that they always seem to be ill, weak immune system?

I am the same. Seem to pick up every bug thats going! I dont know if its due to the ataxia or if im just unlucky. Be interested to see what everyone else says xx
Hi I am the same a little bug floors me and takes me a lot longer to recover and if the weather bad my symptons are worse
hi all do you not get your flu jabs as you will have a low immune system , I get flu jab every year which does help a little with colds as well
I have been diagnosed with auto-immune ataxia and "bad" antibodies were found in my blood, For about one year, I have been taking IVIG (25 grams each month). I am told this procedure is trying to get out or neutralize the "bad" antibodies. Don't know. But I have stopped getting hive outbreaks plus I noticed, that I rarely get sick anymore. No flu jabs for me because "new" medication seems to trigger the hives and I am still scared. Hive attacks can be life-threatening in their extreme state not just hideous. So maybe those with crummy immunity are suffering from auto-immune ataxia. There is a British dr at Shefield (hospital?) who is an expert in autoimmune ataxia.
Low pressure has the biggest impact on me. Apathy kicks
in with a vengeance, concentration flies out the window
Since being diagnosed (2011) I've had the Flu jab, because
I don't know what type/what caused Ataxia, taking every
precaution I can seems logical xB
I seem to be very lucky on this. My immune system seems to be fine. I don't catch nasty colds or other illnesses very easilly. Fingers crossed it stays this way!
I'm suffering with a bug at the mo; cough, aches and pains and general weakness and the fatigue is horrendous. I am fed up of sleeping and if I hear the phrase "get some rest" one more time I'll sceam! My Neurophysio explained that because I only have a small amount of energy to begin with it will take me much longer to recover from a simple cold than other people. At least it's raining so staying in isn't so much of a big deal. Oh the joys of Ataxia! I just think I've cracked it and can cope and then something comes along that wipes me out and it's back to rock bottom again. It's one hell of a learning curve!
I get the flu jab which I think really helps. Just sometimes I pick up more bugs xx
Same as nearly everybody else. I used to catch things really easily and then they used to hang around for ages, and having a cold makes me much more uncoordinated. So in the winter I was pretty much always ill and miserable. The flu jab is great. I don't know if being ill more often than most people is linked to the fact that I literally touch more of my surroundings (to keep my balance), so pick up more germs.
I also feel this way at times.don't know if its the ataxia one day am great the next am rubbish.
I do get flu jab
I rarely get ill and do get a flu shot each year. I started doing that as I used to be a social worker and came in contact with a lot of sick people.
I get an annual flu jab too

Hi tashabmars
Thank you for your question.
Ataxia itself does not affect the immune system and having ataxia does not render you more susceptible to catching and developing infections. However, as others have said above, those with ataxia find having an infection 'floors' them more and it takes longer to recover. This is not related to the immune system but because the neurological system is compromised. For example having an infection makes you feel tired. People with ataxia suffer from fatigue anyway so 'infection tiredness' on top of that makes a bad situation even worse. The more fatigued your body is, the harder it is for your body to recover from an infection. The longer recovery time means you feel unwell for longer. There are many other reasons why it takes a person with ataxia longer to recover from an infection but as I have said, this is not related to having a weakened immune system.
I have a cerebellar ataxia. I am going to visit my 2 nephews tomorrow who are 3 1//2 years and 9 months old. They always have a cold, particularly the older one, and I invariably catch something. I love them to bits but there is always a very small part of me that dreads catching something from them. It is a good job they are so cute and loveable!
One last thing. If you are offered the flu jab (and you should be) I would strongly recommend always having it.
Best Wishes
My husband has the same diagnosis, since 2014. He is a retired police officer, so proud to have made his 30 years service! Spent the last 3 years desk bound though. He has had a spectacular fall recently (March 2017), and broke 5 ribs in 7 places, (horizontally and vertically). I work, but am now on a carers break, disabled myself, Lupus, on crutches. We are still waiting an operation date for his displaced ribs. Can he get PiP?
Thanks for that clarification Harriet. Well explained. I was begining to think that I shouldn't have been diagnosed with ataxia as my immune system is fine. Your explanation of infection and how ataxia may have an impact on recovery sounded very logical. It made sense to me.
I take advanced ahcc, which are basically concentrated mixed mushroom compound with seaweed. I buy these from timehealth.uk.
I started taking them after I had breast cancer to boost my immune system and hopefully stop the cancer returning.
But I virtually never get colds. I don't have the flu jab, even though it is offered to me. If I come into contact with ill people, I just double my dose for a few days. I take one a day usually. They also increase my energy, which is good cos it's pretty low.
I thoroughly recommend them.
Alison xx