I’ve just had a txt stating my flu vaccination is available on Oct 3rd at the local surgery who won’t normally see anyone face to face……..Does anyone know if they are combining it with the Covid booster this year?……I’m reluctant to have it this year due to anxiety levels being through the roof
Flu jab: I’ve just had a txt stating my... - Lung Conditions C...
Flu jab

Hi Bronchio, we’ve had our flu jabs at our local pharmacy and Pete is waiting to hear about the covid booster. He will have either Pfizer or Moderna even though he had Astra Zeneca originally. I do wish you well and hope your anxiety levels improve soon. Xxx💜
Thank you for your kind reply, I have a major problem with all this because I no longer trust the government or my so called healthcare providers!…..Months and months of lies ….I just don’t know which way to turn tbh….
I think many feel the same as you do but your health is paramount. Pete has chronic health conditions but happily had both jabs plus flu jab and is now awaiting his booster. As l said before he had Astra Zeneca but I had Pfizer. We’re both ok and realise how important it is to be vaccinated. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for you. Hugs. Xxx🤗
Why don’t you ring your local chemist and arrange to have flu jab there. Then you just wait until called to have Covid booster but will feel more in control. My understanding is that booster is Pfizer or Moderna and I am comfy with either despite having Astra Zeneca previously. I feel other brand means I will have extra protection!
Like you I wasn’t keen on possibility of having both jabs at once but I won’t be due to have booster (due to 6 month wait) until October/November. I have already had my flu jab.
Personally I am grateful to live in a country where all inoculations are easily available.
Yes it's great in the UK how modern medicines are readily available unlike in some poor countries like Zambia.

The scandal being that all the wealthy nations who hogged the vaccines now have vaccines that are about to expire - Guess where they'll be off loaded!?🤔
Did you ask at your surgery if they combine it with covid booster? Always good to ask if you want to know something.
I have not received any text or letter for flue jab.
If you don't want to get it just tell them, but if you got it before it's better to get it again, it's your health and I believe it is important for a better future. But hey, that's my opinion. You take care of yourself ☺️ 🌺🌺🌺
Hi, thanks for your reply…… been ringing on and off all day to no avail…… I don’t want to deprive someone else of a phone or online appt ….. I just have questions
That's right there's no harm in asking is there?
I have already had my flu jab but won't be getting the booster until at least 6 mths after the second jab. That means oct 27 for me. They only seem to be giving both together for those who were vaccinated over 6 mths ago..I am really happy to have booster of moderna or pfizer after first two of AZ. It's your choice but with covid numbers ratcheting up since the schools went back ( my daughter is a teacher, all precautions have stopped, one third children off with covid and 5 teachers this week.) It is a no brainer.
I’ve just got back from holiday and booked my flu jab at the pharmacy. I don’t trust the Govt but I do trust the health professionals and will get my Covid booster as soon as it’s offered. I feel very lucky to have that chance, especially as my unvaccinated friend’s daughter died of Covid. If we didn’t have such brilliant scientists working their socks off to protect us this pandemic would have killed many many more. So I sympathise with your anxiety, social media has whipped up the fears, but feel the Covid jab is essential. They think my bronchiectasis might be a result of childhood measles. How many people are going to have chronic lung diseases after covid?
I'm sorry to hear about your friends daughter.
Yes the health authority will call you up as soon as they are ready for you to ser them for the booster!
Hi... I've just had my flu jab yesterday. The booster will be given later.
I had my flu jab on Saturday at GP. Fantastic app straight in and out given Doctor.himself.No aftereffects apart from slight sore arm.I’m waiting to book COVID booster. I’m hoping to have pifzer as I has AZ for first two doses and thought I would broaden my protection 😂. I’ll have any vaccine tbh as I trust the vaccine. I think the battle of the vaccines is encouraged by some manufacturers as there’s huge amounts of money at stake!! Billions of dollars 💵.
I haven’t decided where to have it or what will be offered as it won’t be til November time.
Good luck. Hope you feel reassured these vaccines are saving many lives 🙏
Hi Bronchio. I haven't had either Flu or Covid booster yet but, as soon as they are available at my GP I will be getting them. The Covid vaccine has given us all a lot of protection and the freedom to go out more. The flu one to me is a no brainer too. We all have our moans about doctors not being available for appointments etc but we have the best health service in the world. The decision is yours, I am sure that you will make the right one for yourself. Keep safe and well. John
Hi Bronchio, I had my flu jab 2 weeks ago at GP surgery. There was quite a long queue outside, but moved quickly. No pain or side effects after the jab. My Covid booster is not due until late October, which Ishall have. I have many health problems and have always had excellent treatment from hospitals and specialist - wouldn't have reached this age without it. (nearer 60 than I care to admit!😉)My neighbour is a Midwife and is having her flu jab and the booster at the same time at hospital. They are not combined, they are 2 separate jabs, one on each arm. I will ask how she feels after she's had them. Take care and look after yourself, only you can make the decision on what to do after weighing everything up. Hugs 🤗
Jackie and Jasper x
Hi, thanks for the reply….. I’m double jabbed……. Declined last years flu jab due to being really ill after the one before ( which may have actually been Covid … after which I was diagnosed COPD) ……. I’m reticent because 18 months of anxiety fuelled by propaganda from all sides has left me feeling I can no longer trust the government or the care system……
I know exactly how you feel. The vaccines are experimental and the flu jab varies in “effectiveness” from year to year Being forced by government to have anything to enable travel goes against the grain. Listen to your heart instinct 💕Ask your doctor is he or she has had the jabs?
we just had our flu jab at gp last saturday covid booster in the next week or so for me .
Hello Bronchio, appreciate your concerns I too find it hard to trust my health care workers but have had both virus injections, flu jab due on 2nd then the booster is due for me in the next month. Not being given together as far as I am aware . The booster jab in my area apparently is being given in a different location to the previous virus jabs. How I will get there I don't know. Have to have a taxi to the doctors anyway & for both other jabs, that in its self is frightening if you suffer from anxiety or travelling on public transport. If I were you I would do as suggested and go to chemist instead if thats easier for you. Hope all goes well for you.
I doubt they will do both together but if your worried tell them you dont want them together but its impo6to have the flu jab especially this year hubby had his flu jab last week we havnt heard anything from doctors yet x
To all those who have been kind enough to respond I’d like to thank you all for being so supportive and indeed considerate in your replies….. it’s a BIG THANK YOU ALL….. from me!……Breathe easy …
Hi bronchio. I had my flu jab last week waiting for the covid booster like others. I had the Pfizer for my 2 previous jabs. I’m not due until the end of October for this. Unfortunately there are side effects as with any medication you take but the serious ones are extremely rare Why don’t you have the flu jab first and wait to be called for you’re COVID booster Take care. X
You cannot get to see a GP because of covid but when they are getting paid extra you can queue up at the surgery , money grabbing box tickers
Hi Bronchio, I had my flu jab last yr at my surgery. We had masks on (as did the nurses) we washed our hands on arrival went in to reception and we recieved our jabs there. Unless you have been told you will receive your booster jab with your flu jab you won't. Don't worry about the Pfizer jab we have both had two pfizer jabs and we had no side effects. Take care, Maximonkey
I think the idea of combining has been shelved because, as Hidden has pointed out, some people are not due a COVID booster because it's too early, but they might benefit from a flu jab (mine's on Sunday, but without the COVID booster).
I suspect Wanttobehapppy 's flu jab and COVID booster are given separately.
Hi,I he made flu vax at the pharmacy last week.I’m having COVID tomorrow at GP.
I Wanted the flu ASAP as have lung disease.
I can’t afford to have flu
I think it depends if your flu jab coincides with the 6 month anniversary of your second Covid jab as to whether they can be done at the same time.
I had my flu jab a couple of weeks ago. A friend of mine drove me up and we had to drive in to the bottom of the car park where they had set up like a petrol garage. You drive through the gaps, hand them your forms and they cross you off and give you your jab. If you walk up there is someone by the entry door and they will take your form, cross you off then give you an injection. I don’t know if this happens in all Drs but it seems to work well in ours. I must say I always take an antihistamine when I have it done as I swell up quite a bit. I took one for three days and apart from a bit of redness I was fine. You hardly feel it and the benefits are huge if flu is around.
As far as trustworthiness goes, whatever one feels about 'outsiders', I do trust people on this site.
iv had my flu jab last week but no booster yet