Hi how do you find Spiriva to use i have been taking it for a while but have had a few u t i and i read this couldbe a side effect .has anyone else had the same problem
Spiriva: Hi how do you find Spiriva to... - Lung Conditions C...

I used Spiriva for a while but didn't have any urinary problems. It's probably best to speak to your nurse about it.
I get urinary problems with it my gp says it can cause inflammation in your bladder but I can’t find anything as good as it .
Each time I have spiriva I get urinary problems and stop taking it after several months, until I’m told to restart taking it. When I said I get urinary problems each time, the GP said she’d never heard of that as a side effect 🤨 Looking at the posts here, it doesn’t seem an uncommon side effect 🙄
I have the same problem i find it really good to use but the uniary problems are awful am thinking of going back to relvar
I had the same happen with Trelegy not infection but urgency in needing to go. Dr didn't believe me either. 🤔
I was on Spiriva, no problems, but used Trelegy for only 2 weeks and got UTI, never had one in my life and I am 75, took antibiotics and it went away, went back on Spiriva and no problem.
Spivira brought me out in awful rash all over my body, my doc at the time said it couldn't be that causing it, but 3 weeks after stopping it the rash disappeared never to return
Hello not to well.
I have Spiriva I have been on my 4 week's now. But have no U T I problems. I've noticed I've been needing a penny a bit more than usual so I'm seeing my doctor later. If infection they will give me antibiotics. So it would be for the best to see your doctor or nurse to be on the safe side. Good luck and hope your better soon.
Hmmm this post has given me food for thought. I have been on Spiriva for about 9 years but recently thought that urgency to pee was down to old lady syndrome! Maybe worth looking into now perhaps? Thanks for posting Nottowell
Difficult question,I was prescribed it by a private consultant, which,I had to pay for
Sorry fat finger problem, I was prescribed it by a private consultant after the NHS failed to diagnose my condition. He told me I had acute asthma with COPD and Bronchiectasis and prescribed Fostair and Spiriva, initially it was great and enjoyed improved mobility for a while. However I have seen a deterioration in my condition and at last have got Consultant referral with the NHS and gave asked for a root and branch review which is ongoing. I still do not suffer severe exacerbations and have not needed hospital treatment for 16 months. I would still like to find a treatment which improves my quality of life, fully aware the there is no such thing as a cure for our condition. So yes I am reasonably positive about it!
What do you mean by " u t I"?
Water infections or bladder inflmation
Hi, haven’t used it for ages..For some reason my Dr took me off it..
I use Spiriva on and off when I get bad asthma exacerbations usually related to a respiratory infection. I know this is not the traditional way of using it; however this suits me. I have not had UTI issues with it. However I did once get a halo migraine that disturbed my vision in one eye. This improved after a few hours but was extremely scary at the time. I noted that this can be a side effect of Spiriva. I have not had this since then (about 2 years ago).
Hello nottowell
I have been using spiriva for several years now and have not experienced any uti at all.
I find it very helpful .
Hi,Been taking it for 15yrs. Great help with breathing but have had several UTI's over that time.Responds well to antibiotics.
Hadn't thought that to be the cause?
Breath better and dont cough in the night with Spiriva
So would prefer to stay on it myself...
Wish you well with your research, weigh up the balance of probabilities and decide on that.
I will stay on it even if it has caused an occasional UTI.
Do not understand abbreviations please repeat question.