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Lung Conditions Community Forum

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All posts for October 2020

The Independent SAGE. Live stream today at 1:30pm and of course available afterwards on the same link as usual.

Vaccine to treat and prevent lung, bowel and pancreatic cancer shows promise in the lab.

An experimental vaccine, designed to enlist the body's own immune system to targ...
2greys profile image

Bronchiectasis and covid-19

Hi, is maybe someone here with bronchiectasis and was infected with covid-19? If...
Frnikula profile image
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Options for multiple severe asthma exacerbations

I am getting to my wits end and hoping for some good ideas from this great commu...
B_Asthma profile image

Update on John

Good Morning everyone hope you are as well as can be. John had his long awaited ...
Johnsel profile image

Sinusitis update

Hello all hope everyone is ok here . Haven’t posted for ages as have been waiti...
lesley53 profile image

Post operative shock

Day 6 & my circadian rhythms aren’t normal. I’m exhausted, go to sleep then 1 h...
MsPJ profile image

‘Mini-lungs’ reveal early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection

‘Mini-lungs’ grown from tissue donated to Cambridge hospitals has provided a tea...
2greys profile image

Oxford COVID-19 vaccine follows its programmed genetic instructions, independent analysis finds.

The AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 vaccine (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and also known as AZD1...
2greys profile image

Dancing tree branches

Blackbird8 profile image

Help for loosening mucous. An anti-mucous aid

Help for learing mucous. I have been taking NAC supplements and really does h...
LDN124 profile image

Can we find treatment for Basel atelectatic bands

I have pulmonary embolism and just know the the right Basel of my lungs not work...
Kooko profile image

Autumn in the forest

Blackbird8 profile image

Photo of Suzy the Yorkie

As requested! We're off to have a few teeth removed later this morning (Suzy, n...

Work May medically suspend me as I can’t wear a face mask

Good evening all. I joined this forum 6 mths ago and enjoy reading your posts....
AmmeA profile image

EU Problems?

After ordering my repeat medication it had still not been prepared for pick-up a...
micox profile image

It’s a Yorkie!

Thanks again everyone for all the great advice on getting a dog. Suzy is a resc...

Hospital Again

Was admitted to hosp last night with pneumonia again, that’s the third time this...
judes profile image

Neuropilin-1 drives SARS-CoV-2 infectivity, finds breakthrough study.

In a major breakthrough an international team of scientists, led by the Universi...
2greys profile image

An algorithm that predicts the chances of a person with a latent infection developing tuberculosis

An international team of researchers has developed an algorithm that can be used...
2greys profile image

India to roll out quick and cheap coronavirus paper test

A fast and cheap paper-based coronavirus test will soon be available across Indi...
2greys profile image


it Was an Amazing programme again tonight and they are even learning to grow hea...
Bingo88 profile image

Lung transplant

On BBC 2 tonite at 9 o'clock. A lung transplant x
skylas profile image

Oxygen Levels

I am not sure this is the right place to post but I am worried and frightened. ...
SpiritualT profile image

Untreated sleep apnea is associated with flu hospitalization.

As we approach flu season, adults with obstructive sleep apnea may want to take ...

Significant link found between air pollution and neurological disorders.

Air pollution was significantly associated with an increased risk of hospital a...
2greys profile image

Can’t sleep, brain too busy

This night is lasting forever. My brain is churning everything over. Eyes are so...
madonbrew profile image

Double Lung Transplant

Hello Everyone. For people who are interested There is a Double Lung Transplant...
Bingo88 profile image


I've been on Trimbo inhaler for 2 years, the first 18 months I found it better...
Jansy16 profile image

Persimmons pack plenty of nutritional punch.

Persimmons are low in calories and high in fiber – a combination that makes them...
2greys profile image