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Lung Conditions Community Forum

55,603 members66,307 posts

All posts for March 2013

i have been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis&emphysema&pulmonary fibrosis

my specialist told me that what ive got is worse than any cancer of the lung.can...
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Good morning fellow sufferers. I ha...
pedantic profile image

Hi All Just gotten over the worst of the pneumonia (am out of hospital) what is the average time for me to get my breath back?

Hi I went in to Hospital on the blues in Jan of this year, I was sent out after...
tettridge profile image
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huge back log in dla appeals

hi i i sent my claim for dla on 24/04/2012 got refused appealed rang them on 07/...
compie1 profile image

Bring back any memories ?

Bring back any memories? someone asked me the other day,''What was your favouri...


On Wednesday I went to Breathe Easy Nottingham's 10th birthday.My congratulation...

What will I do tomorrow morning?

I'll be lost tomorrow morning when I wake up for the first Saturday in almost 2 ...
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Anyone heard anything from sweetthing, just realised she has not ben on here for...
maxer profile image

Clubbing Nails

If my nails are begining to show signs of clubing does that mean my condition is...
maxer profile image

just approching week 3 and feeling quite smug!

after trying and failing for over a decade to pack in smoking and going through ...
nici profile image

Hi All,does any one know how long you have left when given END STAGE COPD ?

Hi to you all,I whent to my G.P. 2 days ago,He told me I was at END STAGE COPD,I...
stevo584 profile image

re hab

my doc and nurse keep on at me to go to pulmonary re-hab i`m a bit wary as i can...
whit profile image

who can help me cope with esa assesment

i have had copd for ten years,also sleep apnea and use a cpap machine as well as...
grippo2 profile image

Postural drainage anyone?

Hi Everyone Was diagnosed with bronchiectasis about a year ago, and was given s...
swimmer profile image

my wife is severely disabled she is 56 confined to electric wheelchair iam full time carer

i have been diagnosed with copd&pulmonary fibrosis which is affecting my breathi...
Hidden profile image

lung funtion ???

if your soirometry results show fev1/fvc ratio 62% do this mean that you only ha...
music profile image

I am sick of trying to work and keep an active life style when I CAN'T BREATH

I had a meeting this evening (8pm) and from the time I walked out of my front do...

due to go on holiday on thursday cant sleep for worrying if i will be ok to fly.

I have had a lung infection for six weeks. came off antibiotics three weeks ago....
natalyab profile image

I know things are tight but is there a way I can apply for money from dlva only on benifits due to ill health bad heart etc stress and copd

Have had to cut down on heating and now need a taxi to take me to local shop I d...
alba9 profile image

Bereavement How do you cope

My partner died today having collapsed in the early hours of this morning and wa...
carer999 profile image


Hi all have just joined the site tonight I got diagnosed with copd in December s...
Bacardi profile image


thank u to everyone who messaged me ..tried to reply but still not sure how to w...
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New Lungs or not

Well it should have been the 18th March but I got a call to say here had been a ...
Firethorn profile image

Has anyone used or heard of a salt pipe?

Attended our local breathing support group today and one of our members produced...
scrobbitty profile image

electronic cigarettes

Still fighting the addict who wants a smoke desperately when all I can think of....
Jake54 profile image

As know one as said it ... A shall where's the cure for our lung problems

Like are we there yet :p
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Just done the walk

Went and done the walk this afternoon afraid didn't do as well as I thought I wo...
pollyjj profile image

Alpher 1 .

Been tested.test has come back has having low levels for alpher1?gp has revered ...
mumsy profile image

Just want to say here :)

Just want to say hi and to say what a great site this is :) I have been an asth...
catlady05 profile image


Thanks to all who replied to my blog.Decided copd will have to live with me rath...
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