Bring back any memories ?: Bring back... - Lung Conditions C...

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Bring back any memories ?

KingoftheCocktails profile image

Bring back any memories?

someone asked me the other day,''What was your favourite 'fast food' when you were growing up?''

''We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,''I informed him

''All the food was slow''.

''C'mon ,seriously. Where did youeat?''

''It was a place called 'home',''I explained.

''Mum cooked every day and when Dad got home from work,we sat down together at the dining room table,and if I didn't like what she put on my plate,I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.''

By this time the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to suffer serious internal damage, so I didn't tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table.

But there are some other things I would have told him about my childhood if I'd figured his system could have handled it:

Some parents never owned their own house,orwore jeans,set foot on a golf course,travelled outm of the country or had a credit card.

My parents never drove me to school.I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 pounds,and only had one speed (slow).

We didn't have a television in our house until I was 10.

It was ,of course,black and white,and the station went off air at 10 pm,after playing the national anthem and epilogue;it came back on air at about 6 am and there was usually a locally produced news and farm show on,featuring local people...

I never had a telephone in my room.The only phone was on a party line.Before you could dial,you had to listen and make sure some people you didn't know weren't already using the line.........

Pizzas weren't delivered to our home........... But milk was.

All newspapers were delivered by boys and all boys delivered newspapers.....My brother delivered a newspaper, seven days a week.He had to get up at 6 am every morning.

Film stars kissed with their mouths shut.At least,they did in the films.There were no movie ratings because all movies were responsibly produced for everyone to enjoy viewing,without profanity or violence or almost anything offensive.


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KingoftheCocktails profile image
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29 Replies
elian profile image

That rings more than one of my bells KOTC :)

zaney profile image

Yep all sounds about right ;-) I did one of those early morning paper rounds all weathers ! x

Harley883 profile image

Kids Fast food in the 40s/50s ... A stick of rhubarb and a (hand made) paper cone of sugar, or a mixture of cocoa powder and sugar in a paper cone. Special treat ... An almost empty tin of Fussels Condensed Milk and a crust of bread ... Yummy.

in reply to Harley883

Ha Ha, this was also going to be my reply, a stick of rhubarb and some sugar in the corner of a brown paper bag (saved from earlier shopping, that's how we recycled!)

caroleoctober profile image

Sugar sandwiches when the jam ran out, loo out the backyard, or in our case up the garden steps (lived on a hill), home by dark, no hanging about on street corners, biscuits by the pound not in packets, broken ones cheaper. I think we all who have posted on here must be about the same age. I do remember one fast food though, as a very special treat, fish and chips from the mobile van on a Friday evening.

Carole x

wellman2 profile image
wellman2 in reply to caroleoctober

Fish and chips rings a bell, but from the corner shop. If ypu were really lucky and had an extra penny you could buy crispy batter bits .

maxer profile image
maxer in reply to caroleoctober

As a treat dad sometimes went to the faggot shop with a couple of basins and came back with fafggots peasand potatoes and of course gravy.

maxer x

Lynne1955 profile image

As usual, a great post.

Lynne xx

alanjudy profile image

The only fast food I can ever remember as a child was fish and chips if we had been out for the day. My still lives in the same house and has an aga so stews and casseroles were put in the bottom oven in the morning to be eaten in the evening.

I still don't allow food to be eaten anywhere but at the kitchen or dining room table.

Used to love picking fruit straight of the plant - strawberries raspberries etc.


I remember all of them and remember when I had to go to the milk cart with a metal jug whilst the milkman poured the milk into it. My mum then let it stand on the cold slab whilst the cream floated to the top, scooped it off and put it into a bottle and I shook it until it turned to cheese for our bread. Condensed milk on our bread, mucky fat from our roast beef on bread with lots of salt, wonderful. Walking to school with snow over our wellies, sitting in school with hats and coats on as the boilers had broken down but never sent home. Going round our relatives showing our whitsuntide clothes and being given a penny.

I look back and still think they were the good old days, summers were summers and winters were winters. No central heating but a fireplace in every room, my dad worked for the power station and many a day he would struggle home with coal in his coat pockets, my mum and sewn in some really big ones so he could fill them with coal (it was stealing I suppose, but we never thought of it that way), by the time he had walked home, an hour or more, he was nearly on his knees, but we had lovely fires for a couple of days. Our dustbins were hardly ever filled, we burnt all our rubbish on the fires, I was the draw-tin holder until the fire got going, sometimes when we misplaced the draw-tin, we used a newspaper and that caught fire more than once.

I look back with happiness at a loving childhood and hope my mum and dad knew how much we loved them even though in later years we had our ding-dongs when we became teenagers. Does anyone remember the Wakefield Mecca Locarno, if anyone does I would love to hear about it.

toonamp profile image

I remember all those,we never had a phone in my house, and no TV at least up until the time I left home at 15 to go and work.

meike profile image

Liquorice in a bottle of water

hajoed profile image

London Smog, my Consultant considers it part of the cause for my current condition. Milkman and Coalman had horse drawn carts and holidays were in Kent, Hop picking. Thanks for the memories KOC.

silvertrier profile image
silvertrier in reply to hajoed

I asked my consultant if my condition could have been caused by London smog. He said "no" he thought if that was the case pulmonary fibrosis would be a lot commoner than it is. I still think it must have contributed. What do other people think?


wowsa profile image

My Mum's Simple Sue's. This was bread put in a cup, a knob of butter was aded together with salt and pepper. Top with boiling water. Delicious - but better was her remedy for coughs. Brown sugar, butter and vinegar beaten together and eaten by the teaspooful. I don't know if it was effective or not - I ate it all as soon as she left the room!

We too had fish and chips after we had been to the pictures, or a tin of tomato soup. Not that we went very frequently. I rather think the fish and chips were comparatively cheap in those days. You have to be well off to eat them now!

:I remember with pride being able to stand upright on the lethal slide we made from the girls' entrance over to the girls' toilets (yes, they were outside!) in the snowy weather. And the endless games of conkers in the autumn., Health and Safety would have a fit!! But there seemed to be proper jobs for everyone then. You looked after yourself. You didn't have government departments spoiling your fun.

dpcaretaker profile image

Ah the memories !!! The memory I have as a 12 yr old 1965 was askin dad for a rise in pocket money all the kids around me were getting 5/- but I was only getting 2/6d so I took the plunge and explained they were getting more than me. Leave it with me son he said... we used to have a local butcher sell meat door to door (Joe Elliott) he came on Saturday's anyway Saturday evening dad shouted me into the front room and said, about your spending money! Will 7/6 be ok? I said yea brilliant,

he said I

spoke to Joe Elliott earlier you start as his van lad next Saturday, with his 5/- and my 2/6d you will be half crown better off than your mates now.

phillips1 profile image

Fast food was never fast enough when I was young. I would sit there for what seemed hours with the smell of my mum's beef stew going up me nose. If I was really starving - usually the case - I would pop next door to my grandma's where I could always scrounge a wedge of fresh bread and a chunk of cheese. Funny how it always tasted better in those days.

Hecter profile image

I remember the horse drawn rag and bone man just like Steptoe.I remember the invention of felt tipped pens.I love the ink wells at school.I was never ink monitor though - I was probably too naughty.For my maths GSE there was no calculator we used a slide rule and log tables.Think of all the times tables we had to learn pre-decimalisation.How did we manage

path1 profile image

anyone remember a slice of bread and a cup of buttermilk

What about the salt and vinigar horse drawn cart he filled your jug with vinigar and cut a lump of salt from a big block. My favourite fast food was bread and dripping especially if you could get some of the jelly at the bottom yummy.

wellman2 profile image
wellman2 in reply to

can t remember Salt and vinegar cart but vivdly remember block salt a lasting memory because it was my job to cut it and break it down with a big old wooden rolling pin iready for the salt pot that sat in the kitchen I can still feel the sting as it worked jt s way into the little cuts on my hands

hajoed profile image

Silvertrier I agree that it was a contributer to my condition. The Consultant took time to go through my 'lung history' and as soon as he heard the word smog he called his trainee over and asked me to explain just what it was like. It was before his time and after a few minutes of my description he told her that I was one of the lucky ones as so many children died. I had pneumonia before the smog came and have had bronchitus since my early teens. Top that off with Pleurasy and voila! However, only one lung affected and I have lost a third of that one. It's taken 60+ years to get to this stage so not nearly as bad as a most people here.

Exblonde........bread and your talking!!

Definately brought back memories! i was growing up in that era, and what a happy childhood. Wonderful best time to be a child. Bring back the 50s and 60s. !

jeanghost profile image


This also rings true with me. I remember bread and dripping (Iam vegetarian now) my mum used to cook rabbit stew. liver and bacon. On Mondays we had cold meat mash and pickle onions (home made). My mum is still alive at 92 she is 'healthier' than my husband who is 73 and has COPD.

Mu husband was one of the last people conscripted for National Service which made him into a very independent person. His mum was 92 when she died last year.

We need to make sure we talk to our children and grandchildren so these things are not forgotten. We are one of the few down our street who gets their paper delivered I believe there is also a milkman but we get our milk from Tesco!

I agree Happy Days.

caroleoctober profile image
caroleoctober in reply to jeanghost

My Mum is 93 and healthier than me with my copd, we always had basic nourishing food, I still like filling 'comfort' food like rice puddings, cottage pie and stew and dumplings!

Carole x

Yes bring back the good old days off bread and driping and my father used to do bread

cheeses and water with salt pepper and he put someing else aswell .children got it to easy

today not like we had .

themax90 profile image

what about the pie and mash that was a fast food and yes remember all the outhers to loved bread and dripping with lots of salt

Thanx KOTC and to everyone who added their memories too - how I've enjoyed reading them all. At 58 much of my remembered childhood was late 1950's/early -mid 60's: no bathroom so a once a week appearance of the old tin bath - the winter 0f 1963 when neighbours pulled together to shovel snow, our street had a dug-out trench all the way down the middle and the walk to school was a big adventure..(YES, we all turned up for school!)

We could play anywhere outside and stay safely outdoors all day. There was old newspapers and empty pop bottles to collect and exchange for a bit of extra pocket money. The local sweet shop where we'd choose from the 'penny tray' or buy spangles, puff candy, jubilees and strands of sweet tobacco - pity we didn't stick to this sort, eh? lol.

I remember too the old tv programmes like Follyfoot, Mr Piper, Lassie and White Horses - too many to mention.

One big difference from today seeems to be that we only ever used the bedroom for sleeping in; if we had a childhood illness mum would make us up a bed downstairs on the settee, playing indoors was kept to the main living room and later on boys were NEVER allowed upstairs!

Lastly on this Mothers Day is remembering how hard our Mums worked - with the laundry for example -a copper and mangle; cooking ( think ours was a Belling blue mottled enamel thing on legs!) and lastly bed-making for the family - who could forget the many layers on each bed made up of thick sheets, various army blankets for extra warmth in winter and topped with an eiderdown. These eventually turned lumpy with a colour of faded pink.

BUT, I wouldn't have swapped MY childhood or my own special mum for the world.

I rember when mars bars were huge,the best tea was made in a big syrup tin on a wood fire when out fishing and food tasted like food ..we did not get duvets on the bed we got coats and the spaniel to keep warm,great times

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