Think I'm starting the chesty cough my family have all had last week.??
Do I start my anti biotics or steroids,or wait and see.
Think I'm starting the chesty cough my family have all had last week.??
Do I start my anti biotics or steroids,or wait and see.
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Chesty cough is not nice but the meds should really be reserved for an infection. Look out for a raised temperature, discoloured phlegm or whatever usually signals to you that you have an infection starting. Get well soon. Auntymary xx
Any doubts seek advice from your respiratory nurse
I have just had the same dilemma started Saturday sore chest twitchy nose did nothing as felt like cold took paracetamol 4 times a day went and got vicks first defence i have used it before i should have got some in before as it is also a preventer I Have found it works for me .I have home pack but I Like to be sure before i use it like you I was uming and aring but it turned out to be a cold and am 80% over it today and hopefully fully recovered tomorrow yes have had flu jab heard there is lot of cold going about my area but use your own judgement as you know you better than any one else hope you get well soon dave
Thanks everyone,
It does just feel like a bad cold coming at the moment.my daughter and partner have had it,so im bound to get it.hopefully,it will just be that
I don't like to take my rescue pk unless absolutely necessary.
Take care all.x
I dont know whats going on,who's been trolling who and why.(story of my life,I'm always the last to know).
There has been lots of comments about whatever. Best you read the posts - that will take time but if you are concerned ask BLF
Hi. If u are more breathless than usual, wheezy and coughing up yellow or green sputum then chances are you are developing a chest infection. Give worsening symptoms more than 24 hours ( to make sure not just a bad day) but start rescue pack day 2 or 3 max if the worsening symptoms above persist.
good advice ,but as i live in spain i dont know what a rescue pack is .
i have enphysema
if its all over other people got it its a virous antibiotic dont work best of luck bob
If you have a cold then hopefully it will work its way through and be gone soon but if it ends up as a chest infection then that is, of course, very different. Pete tends to take antibiotics and also up his steroids when he gets a chest infection as they both work to get him over it. Get well soon. xxxx
Hi there fantacy 3
I have always been told to take the anti-biotics first and if I can`t say a sentence without taking a breathe then to take the steroids
hope that helps
Linda xx
Hi Linda,
I cannot remember what my respiratory nurses said to take first.??
I'm not too bad ATM,altho I've started to cough.and my chest field 'sore'.
But I really don't want to start my rescue pk unless I have to.not long finished a course.
Brujapatsy..I too have emphysema.a rescue pk is what you get from your g.p. in case you have an exacerbation of your symptoms.it usually consists of anti biotics and steroids.
Take care all.xxx
thank you for explaining. As I have said i live in spain
I was diagnosed sept 2008
I am on spirva and symbicort forte
I do have a ventolin " when needed " but i dont need it
my doc prescribed antibiotics one time when i had a chest infection
it was one tab in the morning for 3 days
I have bought a packet of these from chemist and keep then in house
in case I feel i need them
but i dont have steroids ,should i ask for them ?
Yes,you should have a rescue pack just in case.you don't take them unless you have a chest infection tho.
My doc told me to take my steroids in rescue pack if I am feeling extra breathless.if there is no improvement after a few days and I have a fever and green sputum then I take the ABs. A few weeks ago when the air pollution levels were bad I took prednesolone for 7 days and they eased my breathing. I phoned the doc and was given more steroids to keep in my rescue pack
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