Went to my gp practice as had a bad wknd with breathing, cough etc and asked for appointment in a few days as by that time I would be worse....well would you believe it the receptionist said she would speak to the oncall Doc....who after a short wait saw me.
I explained that i wasnt ill but would be by wknd......this was my 1st meeting with this new GP and rightly so she checked my peak flow, chest, lungs etc and said "no more antibiotics and steriods for me" as i have had such a lot over past year or so..she .upped my 2 inhalers, went over dosage etc and told me if i got worse to get in touch asap.
She explained how 2many steriods and anti-biotics not good for oneself and i was relieved as i seem to have a bad reaction to some anb and ster make me go doo...lally. am pleased...or should I be worried?? ps peak flow 310 my highest in past has been 480- is this good or what?