Be prepared for a long read!
I’ve had a long term cough, which I think got worse after having Covid last July, but does predate it - especially waking up coughing at night.
In the Autumn, like everyone, I had lots of bugs and viruses. At that point, I realised that my morning cough had become productive with white sputum. Not loads but definitely enough to notice it. During one of the bugs, I lost my voice for a full week. I then was hoarse on recovery.
In October, I had a spell of dizziness, which the GP felt could be related to Eustachian tube dysfunction - I’ve had a blocked feeling in one ear for many months, popping sensation etc. The dizziness passed after several weeks. I still have the blocked ear.
In November, I felt short of breath and was getting chest pain. The cough continued. I had 2 x chest x-rays and a CTPA with contrast following a very slightly elevated clotting factor. All other bloods fine. Imaging came back saying my lungs are clear.
In December I got pneumonia, which is highly unusual, as I don’t remember ever having had a chest infection before. I know it was doing the rounds, though. I had one episode of blood streaked sputum.
So, here I am. I’ve had another chest x-ray which was clear. The hospital told me they think it could be GERD, as I have previously struggled with this but had more burning heartburn type pain, they’re saying it could be more silent reflux now.
My GP is saying asthma. I have had mild asthma as a child with allergies and wheezing on exertion. As an adult, I’ve wheezed at bedtime for a long time. They tried me on a steroid inhaler and it gave me oral thrush and I was taking it just before I got pneumonia and my mind has made the connection that maybe I was immunosuppressed and that’s why I got pneumonia so I stopped it.
As it stands, I still have a productive cough on a morning, coughing on an evening & at night, a heavy tickly chest feeling, a frequent need to clear my throat due to being slightly hoarse at times (feels like I’m removing phlegm), feeling like I can’t take a satisfying breath, some chest pain, burping.
I’m now taking my reliever inhaler, popping gaviscon and nexium and feel that I’m not really any further forward. I’m on a waiting list for spirometry.
For context, I’m 47 year old woman and I’ve never smoked.