Inhalers - there are so many! Mid-October, I was breathless, my GP arranged a home visit (never knew that these existed!) and an ambulance was called, off to the hospital for the usual 14 hours waiting on a hard chair, thankfully returned home being told I had a virus, finished the predisalone but still breathless, during this period, to-date (I also have Stage 4 lung cancer as well as COPD) I have had my immunotherapy delayed whilst having CTs/bloods/antibiotics/steriods etc, cancer is fine, stable, so it's the COPD. Respiratory had changed my inhaler to Bevespi, a couple of weeks ago changed it to Trimbow (the first I've had with a steroid), which I've found helpful, but not for 4 hours, the blue is a waste of time (both now taken with a face spacer). So thankfully I can now continue my immunotherapy, but really need an inhaler that will will work on my breathlessness and wheezy chest. I have tried to do the breathing & huffing but end up coughing - am booked to see respiratory nurse in January. I know certain inhalers suit different people but has anyone had this prob and been prescribed an inhaler that works? Last year ended up spending Christmas in hospital with pneumonia, so no longer call 999! Just try to relax and breathe!
Inhalers: Inhalers - there are so many... - Lung Conditions C...

Some years ago I ended up in hospital over the New Year, it really was bad at that time of year as I spent much of the time in an assessment ward, sodid the admitted drunks. Noisy it was.
I'd ask to see a respiratory physio for help getting mucous up.huffings prob making u cough,as mucous is moving up airways,I cough to get it out.look on aluk website at acbt= active cycle breathing helps to go one side,for a period,then the other as it incorporates postural drainage. Do u have a flutter device eg aerobika ( available on prescription in uk). If not,I also find v gentle taps across chest then rib area helps( known as percussion). Use Yr salbutamol prior to steroid inhaler to dilate Airways so drug can be inhaled deep into airways. It maybe worth putting specimen infor testing+ having chest listened to on Monday,in case u need antibiotics/ steroids
I've tried so many different inhalers and starting to lose faith anything will work. Trimbow made me practically collapse and now am trying trelegy. Nearly a month come the 25th and the only thing it has done for me is stop foot cramps at night. The only trouble I have is they say try this and that but as usual when it doesn't work you end up worse and have to wait till you can see your respiratory nurse to try something else. It's an ongoing saga that they don't experience, but try and explain it to them till your blue in the face (literally). I have had 3 viruses in the last 2 months and have had enough to be honest with you. I do have good days but not very often. Sorry to rant but I definitely know what you mean 😉. I hope you find onw that works for you chook.
Hiya younginmind,
I don't have your health issues, just some slightly different ones. One common denominator is 'Inhalers'.
I have recently (last few months) reported increasing breathlessness. so far I have had a wide range of blood tests which has eliminated any thoughts of heart failure. As an interim measure my GP has prescribed my first ever experience with an inhaler - Easyhale with Sulbutamol. Two days ago I had to present myself at a hospital for Lung Function Tests specifically, Spirometry with Reversibility ( whatever that is ). So am now just waiting for results.
So far this inhaler ( called also a 'Reliever' inhaler, a blue one ) is working but does seem time sensitive, for maximum benefits I need to have an 'Inhale' after breakfast and another after lunch .......... then my chest is as clear as a bell until the next day, same times. I think my GP is looking more at Asthma rather than COPD.
Sorry I can't make any more useful comments.
The reverseribility test is to work out if you have asthma rather than COPD or sometimes you can have both. Another indictor of asthma is if your Feno test has a high score - above 30 I think but I'd have to double check. I was diagnosed with adult onset asthma this year and I'm marching towards 70 so you never know...
Hiya Coughingalltheway,
Thank you for that. I don't know if I've had a Feno test, not been told specifically. Personally I think I'm more Asthma than COPD, but hey, what would I know. Can Asthma be genetic ?? do you know. I ask because on my paternal side of my family my Grandfather had two major medical conditions - 1 - vulnerability to strokes and 2 - asthma.
I have Atrial Fibrillation ( a like vulnerability to strokes if not appropriately medicated ) and suspected Asthma. My mother had no such conditions (Alzheimers instead), nor did either side of her familiy who lived to 90/95, historically. My Dad had diabetes, nothing else. My Mum passed at 72 and Dad at 78. All my Dads siblings went on to 90 and his mother to 102 and my Grandad at 82. I'm 80.
Thank you for yopur comments.
My feno test was blowing gently into a machine while watching an interactive computer annimated screen. On the screen, there was a man holding some balloons and I have to keep him up in the air with my breath while he floated across a ravine. The animation is to ensure that you breathe out at the correct levels; it measures the amount of nitric oxide in your lungs which can indicate asthma. My score was 70.
I don't think that asthma per se, is genetic but having allergic immune response can be.
Both my parents passed at relatively young ages: 59 & 62 but my grandmothers lived until their 80s. I never knew my grandfathers as both died shortly after the 2nd world war but to my knowledge, there wasn't any asthma in the family.
Apparently the average age for adult onset asthma (or eosinophilic asthma as it's sometimes known) is between 35 - 50 years old so I'm not quite sure why I've suddendly developed it...
I'll be interested to know what you're test results show if you'd be happy to post them?
Take care.
Jan, that FENO test would be no good for me ............. I'd start to think about it like one of my kids Super Mario Brothers hand held computer games, then I'd start laughing my head off and it'd be a disaster. 😂😂😂
That said, I can certainly understand what you are explaining and think it is great. I certainly haven't had that ..... yet, anyway.
Yes, happy to share here my test results when they come through.
Ha ha! It took me 3 attempts. First time he disappeared up into the clouds because I was blowing too hard and the next time, he crashed into the ravine because I suddently decided to hold my breath. I don't know if all hospitals use the same technology but I think that it's great for kids. If your reversability test comes back positive then they may well do the Feno test as further confirmation that you have asthma.
I'll watch out for your post but as a FYI, mine took nearly 3 months before I found out the results! 🙄
Well that gave me the best laugh I've had for ages ..... up in the clouds, down in a ravine 😂😂😂, still giggling ! and coughing, and wheezing !
I think my GP has organised a priority appointment and is a bit concerned as I got my Spirometry/Reverseability appointment in a bit less than 2 weeks and the young lady who ran my tests has promised me results would be within 2 weeks ... and there is Xmas intervening.
Anyway, thank you for all that useful information ... watch this space.
Seretide 250mg is the only one I have found that is fully effective for me but so many different options out there and everyone is different in there respiratory needs .I really hope you get the right one for your conditions.
So sorry to read of your health conditions younginmind, it's a nightmare getting the right inhaler, I have tried quite a few and must say that Fostair Nexthaler is really good except it gave me a little cough but I had no problem for the first time in years with an over production of mucus and have found that if I use Ventolin 30 mins after (instead of before) Fostair I am not as bad. It certainly helps with inflammation so maybe give it a go. Hope you get to feel better soon and can enjoy your christmas x
Originally I was on Fostair, then they tried to change me to a dry powder, which I didn't get on with at all. When I was admitted to hospital with a bad infection a few years back, they changed me to Trimbow which works well for me. Like you say, Salbutamol not much help, except in my nebuliser, then it is a little more helpful. Good luck getting something sorted that works for you and staying out of hospital, particularly over Christmas. xx
I trieed so many inhalers t first but I have come to the concluction that none of them help on a day to day basis but maybe help prolong your condition. You could try the blue one but I was tested at the hospital for that one and it didnt make nay differrence to me. I wont chang my inhaler now as in my attempt to find one that helped on a daily basis I was given tw in a row for two months that wer no help and during that time ny breathing got worse and it never goes back to what it was. I have been on Trelogy for about two years they dont fon anything on a daily basis but im not going to change it.
hi young in mind. Like you I’ve had this virus with a touch of pneumonia. I’m still breathless too. My peak flow is fine for me but I’m still coughing up a lot of wet mucus which makes me breathless.