Ho everyone off ya blackpool tamora come back Friday first time away in 14 years looking forward more so my boil thing came to ahead and leaking so daughter bathed it and squeezed god it hurt but it's now painless only thing is I've got a dressing on and now and again it's like fluid coming out all nasty stuff out so I'm presume it's just watery substance hope it's OK feel worried but probly just worry over nothing as usual but unfortunately that's me thankyou for all good suggestions realy appreciate it
Germantara : Ho everyone off ya... - Lung Conditions C...

Enjoy your holiday in Blackpool. You can always get medical help when you’re there if you’re worried.
Have fun! Xx💜😘
I'm glad it's feeling better.hope u have a gd time in Blackpool.weathers supposed to pick up from tomorrow afternoon too xxx
Hi lovley have a great time in Blackpool...Your pharmacist should sell pots of Magnesium Sulphate it's a drawing ointment for boils it's great stuff ... White sticky paste you just rub it on ... it costs around £3 but it certainly helps that horrible in between very painful stage waiting for it to pop ...
If your concerned see you're GP on your return don't leave it .... Take care 🩷🧡💛
Have a great time in Blackpool, we are going as you are leaving - If you are worried about your boil in Blackpool, they have a good hospital Blackpool victoria.
Hope you have a fab time in Blackpool. X
Glad you feel more comfortable with your boil they are painful. Enjoy Blackpool its a fun place and maybe visit the famous ballroom for some dancing 💃
Have a fab holiday in Blackpool Germatara, am so pleased you boil has burst it will heal now and get better, keep your eye on it and go back to gp if needed. The weather is due to warm up for the next few days so enjoy your time by the sea x
Have a great time in sunny Blackpool, hope you’re boil doesn’t give you any jip. Have fun.
Take care
Wendy xx
enjoy ur holiday. Blackpool is great fun.
Have a lovely time in Blackpool. I'm glad the boil's done the decent thing. They keep oozing for a while after bursting until all the nasty stuff is out. xxx
Enjoy It’ll be breezy. Hopefully the sun is appearing over the next few days. X