I get cramps in my ribs during the day at work and cramps in my feet at night when trying to sleep and its since I have started using Trimbow for my COPD but this is a small inconvenience as Trimbow has realy helped me with me breathing..
Cramps caused by Trimbow inhaler.. - Lung Conditions C...
Cramps caused by Trimbow inhaler..

Hi MartinP83
Welcome to the forum.
I have COPD and have recently started to suffer with cramps in my ribs. My Gp told me that COPD often leads to a loss of elasticity in your lung tissues, which makes it harder for you to inhale enough air with each breath. As a result, you may compensate by taking deeper breaths and use your rib muscles which causes cramping or pain.
Rib cramping may also happen if you have hyper-inflated lungs, which can occur when the airways collapse and trap air .
I can’t comment on foot cramps or the trimbow inhaler. I did try trimbow but it didn’t agree with me.
I would see your Gp or respiratory nurse just to make sure whether it’s a possible side effect of trimbow or something else, causing your cramps.
There is also a previous post by Jake25 which is about cramps with trimbow. Try the search above.
All the best
Issy x
Hi Martin and anyone else who suffers from leg cramps,for the last twenty years I have put a Bar of soap under my bottom sheet near to my feet,and yes it works but give it time, and yes people say oh thats an old wives tale,I come from Devon and have returned from living in France after 18yrs, My French male Doctor said that they also put a bar of soap under the bottom sheet, so it works in two countries, oh And I use Imperial Leather but I m sure any soap will do.😊 Good Luck
Hi Martin I've been on Trimbo since 20.18 really helps my breathing but the cramps I suffer is like yours but its all part of copd it won't be Trimbow I suffer Rib cramp really bad and foot crap really bad sometimes my right foot twists with cramp my foot looks out of shape its normally right foot the odd tome left foot but not much I can do about it but when my ribs cramp really bad I get hit water both and put it to my ribs hoping it helps sometimes it does but it's definitely not the Trimbo .
I used to get alot of foot cramps and having a bath with magnesium flakes helped alot, it also got rid of hard skin on my feet lol, as I can no longer have a bath I take a magnesium supplment sometimes and eat a banana after dinner for potassium, I dont take them everyday maybe twice a week x
Whilst on Seretide I got hideous foot cramps at anytime day or night plus calf cramps mostly in the night - those I could get rid of by sticking my leg out & pushing flat of foot against the cold wall. I used to take FeverTree tonic water to Pilates class for the foot cramps which really helped a lot (it's the natural Quinine in the tonic water that does it).
Since changing inhalers the cramps have much improved. I too take magnesium but daily & eat one or two banana daily.
Hi Martin. I experience cramps but my doctor says it is as a result of taking statins, not inhalers. Are you taking statins? I really hope you are having less cramps soon. It is painful! Good luck xxx
hi l also experience cramp in my right lung which is quite painful but l have had a lobectomy l am on statins too