Back in January I was diagnosed with problems with my spine as below.
"x rays shows OA throughout
loss lumbar lordosis"
I posted at the time being my spine is affected, would that affect me being able to have a spinal (Epidural) when I have a Cystoscopy?
I said at the time I would consult my GP and she what she thought.
I saw her yesterday and she honestly did not know. She went through the x Ray on my back and in places spondylosis was severe but near where a spinal injection would be given, that's not as severe as T11 and L1 whatever that means.
Her answer was - It will be down the the head Anaesthetist who will decide could a spinal go ahead or did I have to have a GA. She was hopeful I would still be able to have a spinal.
She hid her best to help, but I see her point.
I am due a cystoscopy but heard nothing yet - Fingers crossed I will get a Flexy first, all clear will be great, if not with go for a TURBT Cystoscopy.
The difference is a flexy tube is smaller and dose not require either GA or Spinal.
If anything found with flexy camera then will be a TURBT to remove and or take biopsies. That will mean a spinal Fingers crossed or a GA.
I am not even sure if my BCG treatment has finished, will have to try and find that out.
Sorry for long post.