I got a telephone call early this morning, I was still in bed.
Was a woman offering me a place in a Private Hospital for A 'FLEXY CYSTOSCOPY' Good news but the hospital was miles away in Preston, in fact the other side.
So I asked her could I not get in at my local hospital - She then started talking about difficulties - eg The Doctors Strike.
Then she realised where I live and said "No wonder you want to swap, you live only two miles from your local hospital"
She said "Consultant says I have to have Flexible Cystoscopy 8 weeks after my BCG ended" Which was in December.
So she said she would talk to my hospital waiting list person and she said probably would be OK, but to ring her Tuesday. I still may have to go into the private hospital.
Whichever a Flexy Cystoscopy was what I was diagnosed with, it much thinner and no spinal anaesthetic will be needed, just a local applied. I also can go home after it, a much smaller procedure than the rigid cystoscopy - It's to look in the bladder and maybe if needed, it can take a biopsy. My fingers are crossed,
Another development when I saw GP, I told her I had bad low back pain, She referred me to X-Ray and they phoned morning after and asked could I come in at one.
I did and was shocked - I was took straight to X-Ray room, (no waiting) X-Ray done and I was out.
Anyway I got a call from doctors yesterday morning and was asked to go see GP in about 10 days to discuss the X-RAY - I wonder what it is and will it lead to multiple scans.