Good afternoon everyone .I have just returned from my GPS .I was there for my annual lung function test which I know you all be familiar with. Well today it was done via computer. With the breathing piece attached to a lead to computer. I have basically been told that the computer as said after my first lung capacity test I was capable of the target it set .which was a.picture of a birthday cake with candles .I had to contiusly blow via tube connected to computer till candles was blown out .3 times .I failed twice had to stop but nurse insisted the computer said I can and have to do after 5 goes completed .with sore throat chest and feel totally shattered. Is anyone else familuar with this test by computer and should I of been made to complete the test.because it stated I could

New toys, before they have learnt to use the old one properly.
Indeed in respective of any test, if you are unable to complete then that should be the end of the test. You should not be pressured or forced to complete a test. I would question the accuracy of such a test when you are under duress, can't put much faith in equipment that can leave you stressed out.
What where the results?
Yep mine was the 3 little pigs story ...i was the wolf blowing the roof of the houses via computer link and the nurse shouting at me to give more puff had me absolutely doubled up laughing as it says in the story I will huff and I will puff to blow your house down lol 😁😁😁

Oh gosh really whatever next wounderwhat else there is to huff puff and blow out .you have made me smile .think if I'd of got that there first time .I'd of thought it was a wind up ..jan 😅😅
Totally true lol glad it's cheered you a little stay well and rest up now the test is done has your fev changed any xxx

It as totally worn me out .all the nurse said as my lung function as decreased from last test xx
awww I think these things are just numbers that don't matter it's how you feel that matters xxx
Oh dear , mine is due on Friday .i did the old style breathing test for Bronchiectasis at the lung hospital 3 weeks ago .i tried twice but it made me cough so much they abandoned it . I'm worried about this now but at least forewarned is forearmed .
Absolutely so true .the nurse then went on to offer me this new inhaler it replaces my spevra and foster .one puff a day .go back in a month see how it's working xx
You are a human being not a machine. Parameters are given but there are always people who do not fit them. We all know that there are numerous external factors that can affect lung performance which the machine cannot factor in. My simple answer to the nurse would have been NO!
I would say three goes then stop. Its ridiculles to keep going untill you get the result they want. Its not a good result if you are made to feel porly to acheve it.
Annual lung function test? I do not get this. In fact my lung function is checked very, very rarely.
I have a lung function test twice a year at the hospital which involves the cake/candles . The technician encourages me to blow the candles but certainly doesn’t keep going until I’m stressed. I normally have to try and blow the candles out twice. It is exhausting having a LFT but he then puts something into the tube and I have to do normal breathing for a while and feel so relaxed I could go to sleep. I come out feeling tired but very relaxed.