Hi - I've been watching tthe discussions about nebulisers. For some time I have thought one might be helpful (COPD severe). My COPD team were fairly unhelpful but the respiritory nurse at my GP surgery as just prescribed some Salbutamol nebules. She is now away on holiday.
I have bought myself a portable mesh nebuliser, but I am unclear and a bit nervous about a few things.
If I use a salbutamol neb, should I use it all up in one session, or perhaps take a few inhalations to see how it goes? If I do that, should I then throw away the remaining liquid, or can I continue with that nebule a few hours later, until it is all gone?
I have also found discinfecting advice confusing. My instructions are complicated. I read on the Evergreen site that you can use Steradent! My instruction also say never use distilled water, where as many of them do.
I have also bought some saline nebules(if they help, then presumably better than taking los of salbutamol, but again, I am a bit nervous about having that first go.
Any tips and advice would be rreally helpful...thanks.