Hi what do you all think of Montelucast i have been prescribed it for chronic cough but isn't helping much
Tablets: Hi what do you all think of... - Lung Conditions C...

Perhaps it takes a while to kick in, do read the leaflet thoroughly if you haven't already. When I was px it 10 years ago I asked what it was "it helps with the allergic aspect of asthma " was the reply and I've takenitever since.
I've been on it for donkeys years.ay the time, it was for asthma but benefitted my chronic rhinosinusitis.however,it's been s fame changer for my young grandsons asthma x
I have been on it for years. The only issue was sleep related, however thats not an issue now.
Hi its a gradual reliever as taking at night to open the Airways, helps just doesn't seem to be instant but once you get it into your system it will help and then if you forget a dose you really notice the difference. Been on it for 9yrs
Hello, I was offered them a few years ago for a chronic cough. They didn’t help at all so with agreement of the prescriber I stopped taking them.
Roflumilast is a much better help for the cough, especially in the better warmer weather.
Some areas have a chronic cough clinic in the UK. Has anyone mentioned that to you ? Maybe worth looking into ?
Go well
I had a bad reaction to it, worked well at first but within a week I was seeing things that weren't there and hearing voices. It is banned in the USA and most of Europe. It can cross the blood/brain barrier causing hallucinations.
I was prescribed montelucaust about 5 yrs ago, when I went from aerosol preventative inhalers to dry powder.They added the monte to take care of any hay fever type symptoms as the dose of beclomethosone I was on, was the max and the new inhaler less so.
I haven't had any side effects such as I've noticed however, I stopped taking it for about a month and boy, did the hayfever type symptoms kick back in !
So I went back on it.
I'm concerned that it's been banned in some countries, I know of a few asthma drugs that have been banned over the years. As I was diagnosed about 1968 and have at one time or another, been on every asthma drug there is ! Plus plus !
One consequence of a lifetime of corticosteroids is, osteoarthritis prematurely, is pretty much guaranteed. Which I have had since 55-60 ish
I've now looked it up and that may help explain the rather dramatic nightmares I sometimes get, which I never used to !
But and it's a big one. No drug has ever been invented that does not have side effects. From the humble aspirin, to the most complex cancer targeting drug, all have unwanted side effects.
Some are trivial, some are horrible the aim of prescribing, is to improve or cure, by the use of means that do not replace a bad problem, with a worse one. Sometimes a drug can help make a condition liveable but also cause minor other problems.
If the cure is better than the treatment, take it. If the treatment is worse than the disease don't !
There are often many alternate drugs to treat the same condition, some drugs work better for some individuals than others, because we are unique and we react uniquely. We have slightly different genetics, body mass, lifestyles etc etc.
been on it 7 years and find it great never had any issues does take awhile to make a difference though take care
Been on it myself for 5 years due to hay-fever and lung allergies, been amazing
Hi Notto,
I was prescribed montelukaat too, because of an allergic contribution in my lung problems.
I took it for 1.5 year or so, saw no clear benefits, and stopped. Only thing that has ever really worked for me are inhaled corticosteroids.