Good morning everyone. Is it normal to have to take 8 of these tablets all at once Dissolved in water. It seems a lot all at once and I wasn't told what they would do. Many thanks. Brian
Prednisone 5mg tablets : Good morning... - Lung Conditions C...
Prednisone 5mg tablets

For a short period of time Brian yes. Pete has done that before as they’re meant to lessen the effects of a chest infection. Hope you’re doing better soon xxxx❤️
Good morning Brian, I have just had a course of prednisone I took 6 tablets in one go
They help with inflamation etc
PREDNISONE (PRED ni sone) treats many conditions such as asthma, allergic reactions, arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, adrenal, and blood or bone marrow disorders. It works by decreasing inflammation, slowing down an overactive immune system, or replacing cortisol normally made in the body. ..😊✖
Yes Jillygirl is correct , I also take them for life for my Addisons Disease / Adrenal glands
Take care
Thank you Trevor6
Not at all Bingo , it’s great this site , I have learnt so much regarding my COPD Enphasema I am 61 and have had it for 20years , I also nursed my dear mother as she suffered the same and sadly passed away at 47 , in the 80s there was no mention of COPD or respiratory clinics. Just ventolin inhalers , bless . Enjoy your weekend
Hi Brian, I'm on them here in hospital at the moment...although I must admit, haven't heard of them dissolved in water. I've needed lots of pred over the years and still wonder how they don't have a 10/20mg tablet yet instead of only 5mg. 🤔 Hope you're feeling better soon!
I take them all at once not dissolved in water .xx.Sheila
I’ve never heard of dissolving ones but it is usual to take 6 or 8 at once. Like madonbrew says, I don’t know why there isn’t a 10mg or 20mg version instead of having to take so many at once. I hope they’ll help you to feel better soon.
I have just had a course of 6 x 5mg tablets daily for 7 days. In the past it has been 8 tablets for a week. I have always taken them whole and never dissolved in water. They are meant to reduce inflammation as others have said. Always take with or after food and best taken in a morning.
I take prednisolone rather than prednisone, and have done for nearly twenty years, on and off. I get 1mg, 2.5 mg and 5mg tablets but not 10mg. They don’t have to be dissolved in water.
Yeah I took them all once 6 in one go was really strange that was when my asthma was flaring up, in my case it didn't help just made things so much worse x hope you feel better soon.
Thanks so much I just hope they help me I am not feeling good at present. Brian
If you don't see an improvement then go back to your gp, after taking the steroids I was still having to take my blue inhaler like 8 times in one day which should of told me something was seriously wrong I must of done 111 about 3 times in the same week, long story short ended up in hospital with an asthma attack which affected my heart badly. X
Thanks for your reply. Yes I told the doctor yesterday that my blue ventolin inhaler doesn't help my breathlessness at all if I use it when walking around and got no response at all. Just the same as I got from my respiratory nurse for most of last year. I was diagnosed with Asthma as well via a blood test only 2 years ago for the first time in my life. But can't say I have had an Asthma attack. Hope your keeping as well as possible now. Brian
Ahh I'm sorry to hear you inhaler isn't providing any relief, definitely keep an eye on that. Oh so it's quite new for you having asthma makes it so much more terrifying so sorry for you. I notice when I have a cold my inhalers are literally useless so maybe your fighting off an infection like a cold?? Do you have an asthma action plan? I have one and it's literally a life saver and to have a peakflow monitor to know what one is normal for you and what one needs medical attention. My best one is 500 and my worst was 200 which is dangerously low that's how it was when I was in hospital. Definitely have a chat with your gp about sorting out an asthma action plan x
Yes I do have a peak flow monitor. I will check out what my lung function is with that. I have a pulse oximeter that tells me my lung capacity reading. But they say they need calibrating from time to time so not sure how accurate this is now. Was showing my oxygen levels at 89. Which is borderline for attention. But they were 95 at the doctors yesterday on their machine. Brian
Oh wow ok glad you have a peakflow monitor. I have an oximeter my GP recommended I buy one it's good but sometimes it's quite low for literally no reason! Like the other day it was 91 but I did feel like super out of breathe and tired so probably was accurate. Anway hope your doing better soon x
Thanks so much for your concern and mentioning the peak flow meter. It a good 2nd check to the oxygen meter. My peak flow is showing I am blowing 250. Which is a bit low for me. Just hope the medication starts to work. Only on my first full day of medication as Only got it late yesterday
Ahh your welcome we all here to help each other out, so what's your best peakflow reading? 250 does sound bit low but unless thats normal for you it's hard to know if it's worth seeking medical attention about it? I did my peakflow meter reading and I was so shocked it was 600! Best it's ever been in my life so pleased. Hopefully the medication will start to work soon take care 😊x
Just moving around a bit can send your oxygen levels up. I don't know why.
I was treated for asthma for years and kept telling my doctor the inhalers didnt do anything, it wasnt until I had a new doctor and sent for a ct scan that it turned out that I had bronchiectasis and didnt have asthma at all. Have you every had a ct scan to check for this Brian. Hoping the steroids kick in soon, I always feel so much better after a course of these x
Good morning Izb1. No I have never had any scans or anything like that. Just diagnosed with Severe copd at the doctors with the blow test and Asthma markers from a blood test. That's all. Brian
I used to get a rescue pack with 6 daily but my most recent ones have been for 8 for 7 days. I'm just wondering whether I might be using the rescue packs too often though. My GP has never refused a repeat'
Take thm as early as possible Brian as they can cause havoc with sleep otherwise x
Hi Brian, yes, like others say they are taken to bring down inflammation making it easier to breathe and opening the airways so we lungies can get better.Are you still in Spain?
PS the leaflet should tell you everything you need to know (unless its in Spanish) or you can Google 'NHS how to take prednisolone '......I've never heard about dissolving in water so perhaps it's the Spanish way. P x
Good morning peege. No I am back from Spain now. The cough started 2 days before the holiday but I couldn't get to see a doctor and then developed into a headcold as well. You can't get antibiotics over the counter in Spain now You have to see a doctor 1st. I went to my doctor here yesterday morning and the Prednisolone it says to dissolve in water. Also got a week's Steroids and nasal spray. Brian
6 to 8 5mg tablets is a normal short course dose, usually for 5 to 7 days, the complications come if you are on preds for more than 3 weeks as after this you can’t stop taking them without a long tapering down period. The tapering down is normally done at 1 mg a week, failing to do this properly can lead to adrenal shock and a collapse followed by a blue light run to A&E. Last year I was fortunate to have a presentation from an endocrinologist on coming of steroids
Hi, yes, you take them all at once in the morning. I’ve had to do it a few times. They do help, and i always feel better when had to have them.
All the best.
prednisolone helps with inflammation, so in a day or so you should feel bit better.
I take 8 x5mg tablets all at once swallowed down with a cup of water and food but not dairy Usually have them for 5 days x take care
Hi Bingo,
I'm in the US and I take (2) 20mg tabs for 5 days when I have a flare up. So 8 5mg would be the same dose of 40mg total. Was told by my Doctor that this is the standard dose along with antibiotic. Hope you are feeling better soon.