has anyone had a LVR ? Am new here any comments
LVR surgery : has anyone had a LVR ? Am... - Lung Conditions C...
LVR surgery

HI and welcome TTrev6, I hope someone will be along to answer your query.
Hello+ wecme to the forum. Sorry,I can't help x
Hi I am almost 76 years old and I had LVRS on the 8th October 2018 . It all went really well and I was doing great until I caught covid in Sept 2021 and unfortunately my health has been up and down since ,and culminated in spending last Christmas in IC in hospital . I'm a fighter and have fought back but covid has taken its toll and I'm now on oxygen for 16 hours a day . I had an upper left lobectomy and I feel had I not caught covid I would be like I was post op . If you need any questions answered please feel free to message me . I wish I'd had the op years ago . Best wishes Babs
Sorry for delay, yes thanks I have COPD Enphasema 20years it has been suggest to me I may be suitable for LVR , what are the out patient procedures? I have had numerous x-rays and ct scans , LFT , Monday past , I was to see my consultant on Wednesday, but it was cancelled which I was not happy with , I just want to know when am I likely to be referred to surgery team
Hope your well
I haven’t had LVR surgery but I do know people who have, and they all have said it’s a positive outcome
If you look on my profile I gave posted a couple of replies on LVR in the past. I have been lucky enough to have had the procedure on both lungs (2018 and 2019)It was the, best decision ever and I have felt so much better since. Losing weight has helped enormously too
What was the out patient referral you had to decide surgery I have had x-rays, Ct scan, and lung 🫁 function test what’s next?
I had those same tests. There was also a discussion between my consultant and the thoracic surgeon who decided I was a suitable candidate. I know he insisted on me being a non smoker and having takes the pulmonary rehab course. I believe my lung function test results fell within his defined perimeters. The surgeon was also keen to offer this surgery to more patients in the home counties
Many thanks , I think I will if suitable be up in St barts
Welcome to the forum.
Hi , I am booked for LVR surgery at Barts on Jan 9th.It's taken about 6 months and lots of various tests and passed the MDT meeting,apparently very few pass all the tests so I am very lucky , as my weight is quite low and my fev's is only 19% so I only just squeaked through but it does make me higher risk.
I am apprehensive but hopeful it will work. Will let you know how I get on.