Hello all is there anybody that has had lung reduction surgery in the last couple of years, and has there been any noticeable improvement in your breathing and walking capabilities Thanks Mike B.
Lung Reduction Surgery: Hello all is... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung Reduction Surgery

Hi mikebaker1949, I know someone who has alot of knowledge about this will come and help you.
Here in the U.S., Ohio State University Pulmonology, is actually advertising this surgery on the television. I know one gentleman who has had it...he is doing fantastic, I believe he is now on his second vacation this summer...as he had missed traveling so much.
Take good care. Hope I helped you in some way.
I received a lung reduction operation 4 years ago. I did not think I would last the winter, but here I still am. In my case, they removed the top 1/3 of my right lung because it was pressing up against my diagram. The lung will not 'pop' into place and takes a long time to move up correctly. I was told I would see an improvement over 3 years. I did feel a little better for the last 4 years, but it is coming back and my breath is getting shorter. Unfortunately, Emphysema has prevented them to do the next operation on my left lung.
The Reduction operation was hard but definitely, worth the effort, my life was 'livable' for a while there.
Thanks for reply can I ask were you able to walk far & upstairs before you had surgery & were you need oxygen. Mike
My breathing had been getting slowly worse and a brisk walk was all I could manage. I was able to walk upstairs and could travel a good way on foot. Then one winter I found I could not get to the toilet. Putting my dressing gown on left me so breathless I could not manage the 8 or so steps to the loo, if I did not wear the gown I shivered in the cold and could not get back to bed. I was worried I was not going to see another year.
Then I was offered lung reduction because my right lung was pressing against my diaphragm. After the operation, I was able to walk (slowly) for some distance and the stairs where much easier. When Winter came again I easily made it to the toilet.
When I returned for my left lung (three years later they said my Emphysema was too bad for another operation.
Since then, they have given me Oxygen (portable, for exercise and mobility), which is actually bad news, (they will not offer Oxygen until you are in need of it). Oxygen attacks the lung - worsening it, so use it at least as possible on the lowest setting you can manage, but you will need it, I cannot leave the house without it. They also gave me and a new inhaler. Nebulisers and steroids.
It is very important that you exercise - unfit muscles need more oxygen, I bought a 'FitBit' watch. My breathing is getting very bad now and there is no more treatment I can take.
Hi Mike, I have just recently had Valves inserted which replaces the actual Surgery, don't quote me though. I am Breathing so much Better. You can Read lots of Posts on here re this Procedure, That's how I came to understand and welcome my Procedure. Good Luck. PS, There are quite a few of our Friends here, due to have their Procedure very soon. xxx
Hi there I had this operation done 28th Feb 2017 yes there has been a big improvement in both hope this help I had it done at The Golden Jubilee Hospital in Glasgow
Hi thanks for reply ,can I ask were you able to walk far & up stairs before the surgery Mike