Who could you ask about if your entit... - Lung Conditions C...

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Who could you ask about if your entitled to any benifits.

UptheTicks profile image
47 Replies

I have struggled with my breathing for the last few years and was wondering if there was any help financially. I took early retirement last year couldn't cope anymore with my job stairlift engineer. I have saved some money to help before I can claim my work pension, so at the moment I have no income. I tried to get industrial injuries disablement benifits but received a letter this morning saying I can not get the benift because under section D12, the law statesI have not worked in a job that is likely to cause my disease when I have been told from my diagnoses that cotton fibre from working in the textile industry for 25 years would have caused it. You work all your life and when you need help no one cares.

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UptheTicks profile image
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47 Replies
peege profile image

You have to leave no stone unturned UptheTicks. Keep investigating, the forum has a UK helpline, 0300 555 2800 , office hours and have a dedicated benefits advisor.

I shall never forget a member called Plumbob. He fought for years for the right to compensation due to mesothelioma - working with asbestos - he finally got his award before he passed away 😢 🙏

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to peege

Thank you for the reply, I intend to fight for it and I will give the help line a call 👍

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to UptheTicks

hi , the helpline number is now 0300 222 5800 ….open Mon to Fri office hours .

Have you contacted Citizens Advice …they are helpful too.

About your being turned down for industrial injury claim ….you could contact your MP .

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to knitter

Thanks I will look into it.

Karenanne61 profile image

You may be entitled to PIP. Check out the government website. The application forms are a nightmare, my husband helped with mine. We did one or two questions a day as it was so depressing focusing on what I can't do.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Karenanne61

I have looked at PIP looks like everything I tick gives me 0 points, so don't think I would qualify but thanks for the reply, I will phone the advice line.

fancy1872 profile image
fancy1872 in reply to UptheTicks

Hi there. Im sorry for your difficulties, I similarly had to retire early 2 years ago due to breathing difficulties and frequent infections/flare ups for Emphysema, even though I was office based, it was difficult if ever I had to visit clients in community then even getting to office was really difficult. You must seek advice from the experts like Citizens Advice or the Asthma and Lung UK website helpline for advice. You may also be entitled to Employment and Support Allowance ,Contributions based as well if unfit to work and have paid enough National Insurance contributions through your working life as well as PIP, but both have to be applied for separately. I dont know your financial circumstances, but cannot emphasize enough to get advice like others have said as the wording and terminology of any claim is tricky to say the least. I wish you all the best

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to fancy1872

Thank you for that, yes I am going to phone the Asthma and Lung UK website for some advice.

Littleeak profile image

You might be eligible for Universal Credit. Have a look on gov.uk website. There should be a link to a benefits calculator which will tell you what you can apply for.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Littleeak

Thank you for your reply I will look into it.

B0xermad profile image

Do you have a diagnosis from a respiratory consultant as that can help with a pip assessment or try Employment support options as you have had to retire early due to not being able to work

UptheTicks profile image

No I don't have a consultant only a few months since my diagnosis with the nurse, but I will look into it and thank you for the reply.

JJ_7 profile image
JJ_7 in reply to UptheTicks

There is excellent advice here so I will not repeat. I would like to add that it is important that you have a clear diagnosis on your medical file. A diagnosis cannot legally be given by a nurse but some nurses are excellent at spotting signs and symptoms. It will help your applications to have your GP place a diagnosis on file (Such as COPD or other, etc.) Good luck Uptheticks! I feel for you and wish you every success in receiving financial help. JJ xxx

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to JJ_7

Thank you for your reply I will look into it x

Ergendl profile image

The website Benefits and Work has guides on how to apply for different benefits and advice about what to do if a claim is first rejected - appeal!

Visit benefitsandwork.co.uk/

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Ergendl

Thank you for the reply I will have a look at the website.

Digger0 profile image

Contact your local CAB and have a word with them.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Digger0

Thank you for the reply I will look into it.

Tykelady profile image

Age UK are good at helping with forms and you don't have to be a pensioner to use them.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Tykelady

Thank you for the reply I will look into it.

Biker88 profile image

you haven’t mentioned what condition you have other than breathing issues, the most important thing for any claim now days is a consultants letter stating the name of your condition. I have breathing difficulties due to emphysema and Aspergillosis and I get a blue badge and attendance allowance, I don’t get PIP as I’m already getting my government pension. My breathing is bad enough to prevent me walking more than a few yards, so I need a wheelchair or mobility scooter and I have had no problems with any of my claims. Another thing in my case is that I have “community provided” wheelchair and walker provided by my hospital. There seems to a recent tightening of the question on the forms now, my wife has just done her blue badge renewal and for the question “ how far can you walk unaided “ it adds use physical locations from your home rather than the number of yards. As others have mentioned be prepared to appeal, and PIP is the one to go for.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Biker88

I have COPD so I will have a word with my doctor, thank you for the reply.

starskyd profile image

I tried the citizens advice when I needed advice on benefits, very helpful and also said if I needed help filling in for.s they would help that too.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to starskyd

Thank you for the reply I will look into it.

Nula2 profile image

Hi 🙋‍♀️, can only repeat what others have said. But if you have a diagnosis of COPD that must help towards your case surely. Just want to wish you good luck in getting this sorted asap. I know I hung on at work with as much sick leave as I could take until I was at state pension age for this very reason. But I worked in an office and don't think I'd have got any financial help. Would have thought in your case where you couldn't continue in your line of work you should surely be entitled to financial help? Good luck 🤞xxx

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Nula2

Thank you for your kind words, you try and carry on for as long as possible in your job till you can't cope anymore and when you need help it's like walking through a mine field not knowing which way to turn, I can only ask and keep asking x

Nula2 profile image
Nula2 in reply to UptheTicks

Yes that's all you can do is to keep fighting but that's not so easy when you're struggling with your health and worried about how you'll cope financially. Take care xxx

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Nula2

Thank you, yes all I can do is try x

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi there, I recall Plumbob's case too. Its possible the cotton caused your health issues or contributed to it but that needs evidence and legal help to claim. If your breathing is bad the Gp is the person you need to see or maybe your practice nurse for assessment. You are over 60 with no income so can claim some types of benefits . Do try one of the help lines even the local Age UK can help with advise and filling forms. Good luck. Some places have special benefit adviser sessions in local churches and libraries. Everywhere is different.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to katieoxo60

Thank you for the reply, I have tried to get industrial injuries disablement benifit, got the letter back yesterday saying I cannot get it because you have not worked in a job that the LAW says is likely to cause the disease 🤬. I can fight it and I will, but I will look into it what you have said.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to UptheTicks

Sorry for delay in reply UptheTicks, I have an industrial injury rating from way back but even if you are accepted as industrially injured your disability has to be more than 14 % think mine was classed as 11%. But the ruling can help towards disability payments for other health issues so your refusal letter is no help putting it bluntly. What might be of use to you is a no win no fee solicitor who can get you medically examined . I would definately say apply for Universal Credit, sickness benefit, Pip . If Universal Credit is refused appeal the case. Pip will be difficult to get based on your refusal letter so you would need an experienced benefit advisor. Some things like council tax can be claimed just on low or no income. Prescriptions can be free if no income or low income , again you need a form to claim. My favourite saying is " you firstly need a secretary to fill in all the forms" You can get PIP seperate from other benefits which can give you a small income and every little helps as they say. Do appeal against any decision that leaves you with no income. I lived on my savings when my late husband died to top up disability benefits. So I hope this long reply helps you Every best wish to find a supporter who can get you all the help you are entitled too.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to katieoxo60

Yes thank you, I will look at all the information you have sent me and decide which corse of action to take, I can only try x

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to UptheTicks

Good luck x

Deejay62 profile image

If you’re ill you might be entitled to claim your works pension early. I began claiming mine at age 55 which I was told was the earliest I could claim it, and I’m now 62, it used to be age 50. There are other good advice on here of disability/illness benefit you can claim with the telephone number. But if you have work pensions you should contact them and find out if you can begin receiving your pensions. All the best.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Deejay62

Thank you for the reply, I will get my works pension in a few months.

Jaybird19 profile image

talk to charity age uk . they have good resuklts in getting an attendaance allowance agreed

but it will not be payable for 6 months once agreed , This can be used in any way to help your life . mine goes on taxi fares unti li can get driving again. then it will be house cleaning as i can no longer carry a vacuum cleaner .! and live in thrre storey house . can get down stairs well but getting up is so slow and out of breath

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Jaybird19

Thank you for the reply, I will contact age UK or asthma and Lung UK for advice.

Alberta56 profile image

It is hard to work your way through the benefits maze unaided. I would ask the CAB or Age UK to help you find the benefits you are entitled to and to pursue your claim. You shouldn't be having to draw on your savings. Good luck.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Alberta56

Thank you for the reply, I will look into phoning Age UK.

Holby01 profile image

I am aged 63 and had to stop working 3 years ago due to bad health-COPD. Like you, I have never smoked. I went to citizens advice for help. If under state pension age, you can claim ESA- employment support allowance, in addition to PIP-personal independence payment. PIP is a more complicated process, but worth persevering with. Also, can your work pension be enhanced as you left on Grounds of bad health. The earlier you claim the better, as although these things take time to process, if successful, the claim is backdated to the day you first put the claim in. Good luck.

UptheTicks profile image

Thank you for the reply I am looking into PIP now I don't think I would get ESA.

strongmouse profile image

When I had to take early retirement due to ill health I was told I wasn't entitled to early pension release, but I got advice from the then Pensions Advisory Service and they helped me to get it. This is now part of the government funded Money and Pensions Service.


Tel- 0800 138 7777

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to strongmouse

Thank you for the reply I will have a look at that.

Jaybird19 profile image

find out all that you can bcause it doesnt go far these days.

UptheTicks profile image
UptheTicks in reply to Jaybird19

I am researching to find out what I can before I go to my local MP to see what they have to say, thank you for the reply.

Wills234 profile image

Hi, have you tried your local citizens advice bureau.

UptheTicks profile image

Yes I have been there, they said because I have savings there is not much I can claim other than trying for pip.

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