Hi all,
My partner has just this month been diagnosed with emphysema. He's 64 and I'm 31, we've been together six and a half years, and I suppose I'm just looking for a bit of advice on how to cope with the diagnosis and tips on what I can do to help.
He was hospitalised in January with pneumonia and sepsis - his discharge letter in early February also mentioned heart failure but nobody mentioned this while he was in hospital! - and, following a routine follow-up with his GP a couple of weeks ago, was given antibiotics for a week because she thought he might still have a chest infection. There were visible signs of improvement, especially in the first few days. His GP then referred him back to hospital after that course because of his blood oxygen levels dropping to around 85 and his heart rate being over 120 when he moves about. (Bear in mind his resting heart rate is around 90-100, and 'normal' blood oxygen levels for him are around 97%.)
He's had a CT scan, a chest x-ray, and numerous blood tests, but no lung function test yet. He smoked from a young age but quit in January 2007 and hasn't touched a cigarette or any form of replacement since.
He has type two diabetes and pain in his lower back from a fall in April last year, so he wasn't very active to begin with. However, he didn't have any symptoms of breathlessness prior to the chest infection at the start of the year. Sometimes when we'd go out he'd have to stop and sit down but that was due to the pain in his back, not because he was short of breath.
He's back at home now and still sounds 'breathy' but he says the tightness in his chest has eased and he feels like he's getting 'almost' a full lung of air, compared to half earlier this year and three-quarters when on the antibiotics. He's got a dry-powder inhaler that he takes once a day in the morning, as well as 750mg of carbocisteine three times a day, but that's it. He has a bit of a cough but it's mostly dry.
He's still becoming breathless when moving about but I'm hoping part of that is due to how long he has spent in hospital beds this year, and he might be able to build some strength back up. He's still spending practically all his time in bed, only getting up to use the bathroom, which I don't want to become habit.
Naturally most of the online articles about emphysema are highly negative, and I was horrified to read the average life expectancy was only five years from diagnosis, though reading some threads on here has helped. I have anxiety and depression and I'm struggling to come to terms with it a bit.
His consultant at the hospital apparently said if he uses the inhaler it won't get any worse, though pretty much everything I've read says it's a progressive illness. I couldn't speak to the consultant myself as they were never around during hospital visiting hours, and I'm concerned my partner is possibly keeping bad news from me because he knows I won't handle it well, but now I'm obsessing over it!
Does anyone have any advice, please?