Hi there , my dad has emphysema .. was diagnosed a few years ago but has had no symptoms apart from a small amount of coughing on a morning ,, he has had one exacerbation where he ended up in the hospital .. went on antibiotics for chest infection and steroids , he improved and got somewhere back to normal ... but , now his coughing is happening a lot and at night time . It’s very disturbing for all of us . He can breathe well and walk quite far outside so we think his lung capacity is very good .. it’s just the irritation of airways and the constant coughing up gunk .. does anyone have experience or know of anything to help shift the hunk and stop the irritation of airways .. he s 87 and in very good mental health . Thankyou
Constant coughing emphysema - Lung Conditions C...
Constant coughing emphysema

I seem to go through phases of coughing get phlegm but cannot cough it up to send of for testing
I really well in myself. Lasted a few weeks and disappeared but has come back again. Just so annoying. Doctor doesn't seem to thi k a problem not gone onto chest.
I have suffered with Emphysema for some 30 odd years then a year ago started coughing a lot during the night as well as daytime. My GP organised a CT Scan which showed I had developed Bronchiectasis. The only way I got any relief from the constant coughing at night was when I splashed out and bought the Dyson Cool Me fan and air purifier which sits by the side of bed and runs on no,2 all night. Since then I have cough free nights.
I have bronchiectsis and go through phases of coughing, even though I clear my lungs right through out the day and its not an exacerbation, it can be very tiring and embarassing. I hope your dad finds some relief soon, most of the time though its because of mucus on the lungs and clearance is the onky way to relieve this x