Does anyone know an alternative to Voltarol gel for asthmatics I could buy over the counter?
Over the counter medicine: Does anyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Over the counter medicine
Best to ask your Pharmacist who may be able to recommend something for you. X
I was meant to go today but he was on lunch break. My pharmacy is quite a distance away and I'm not very mobile but I'll keep trying. I wish I wouldn't be in pain though 😕.

Is there anyone who can ask for you? Can you phone the pharmacy? Hoping you get some answers soon. Being in pain is no fun. Xxx
Unfortunately not. I'm on my own and nobody to care for me. I could try and phone but I still need to go out and get it and I'm often unable to leave the house. 😔
Welcome to the site. As suggested speak to your pharmacist and see what they advise. I have to be honest I find gels that you rub in to area are not helpful and do nothing to alleviate my pain issues. Again might be pharmacist can suggest something or may advise you need to speak to gp to get more powerful pain medication.
My chemist will deliver so is worth asking if they offer that service, especially if you explain your personal circumstances . If they don’t then it might be worthwhile changing to a chemist that will deliver.
I'm a bit doubtful as well but feel I need to do something. I have arthritis and it is getting worse but I'm also asthmatic so I can't take certain stuff.

Then maybe you should chat with your gp to see what is available…. I have chronic sciatica and am in the middle of a horrendous flare up. There is always a limit to what medications GPs can prescribe but she is certainly trying hard to find something that will assist.
It sounds you are more fortunate than me. My GP would have been my first port of call but it is nigh impossible to get hold of him and even if I do, he is always very short.
I use biofreeze its herbal no medication it you czn get it as a spray and a roll on so you do have to touch it it just soak in the roll on can be easily used on your back you might find ut either hot or cold. It hrlps me as i cant use znything contains asprin ot iprobrufen as its a trigger for my asthma. You can get it at hollznd z barratt, Amazon which is a bit cheaper you can get 1 or 3 its a bit chesper yhen holland and barrett was over £10 about 3 yrs ago you czn get 3 fro the price ov two at amazon or you can try disability shops see if the stock it
I told my friend sbout and she hhinkd it very good almost wonderful. Thats only yhing i csn recomend as i csnt use any of the oyhers
That's great. I'll definitely have a look. It sounds like what I was looking for. I appreciate that. Thank you very much for your help.

i came zcrosd it when there was a disabled shop top of my street and i was talking to the dhop manager anc she suggested it yo me since ive be using it sll the time and the physio recommends it to. Don't worry if it's cocold oor hohot iit reacts different on people sometimes it is hot or cold on me
Great stuff! You were a big help 😊
sorry about the spelling its either gremlins or mh phone has got hicups
Not to worry. I like reading code. 😄

got a good on hear i dont usually read med info leathlet the one in the nebs i got it says under warnings and precautions tell you gp or pharmacist before you take salbutamol neds if you have active asthma als if you are taking steriods including prednisolone and taking medicines cslled xanthines theophyllin( uniphyllin) also any other meds for asthma it the gp who prescribe the nebs and pharmicist who does the prescription and they both all the ssthma meds on both their computers no.point telling your gp and pharmicist they know what you are on its what my mum would say it soundx a bit irish to me . And no im not offending the irish as im 6th generation of irish my 6 timesgreat grandfather greatgrandma an great uncle alall from ireland came over 1850s during the potatoe faming if i insult the irish im doing to my self as well
only glad i could help if you do get some try the roll on you can go around incircles with and ir massges it into to ypur muscels and joints. Let me know how you get on with it ok
Sounds good. I will. ☺️
I was recommended biofreeze by pharmacy as doesn't affect my asthma
👍 thank you 😊