I visited my lovely, lovely GP who happens to be fellow Scot. I told her that I attended the weekly session of exercise lung rehab class. She confirmed what I suspected. Out of all the treatments and medications available, all research shows that exercise has the best results for COPD. suffers.
Exercise is the best medicine - Lung Conditions C...
Exercise is the best medicine

Too true. If only more of us made a little more effort we would soon feel the benefits. Trouble is, when you are not feeling well and are short of breath motivation is hard to find.
Today is an example of what Toci says. I haven't feeling good today, and have just slept. I have to get 4 sessions in before next Friday.
I dont know about anybody but I find it hard to be on my own. I know I am not used to living along. It sounds so spoilt of me when here are so many people on living on their own. Husband is staying with daughter, and after he went, I just folded up after all the rushing around. This is a respite break for us before the next chemo.
I suppose some folk actually like their own company, and are well used it. I have a lot to learn but at least there is freedom on her own. But then I think of the loneliness that can lurk around for some. But life is what you make it, and my friends here. Apologies Toci, for my soapbox.

None needed, sweetheart. x

hi annie nothing wrong with sleep especially when not well gives our bodies time to heal. What does a session comprise of is this what pr has asked you to do? iwould be really interested to know praps i could make a start befor my pr which sadley isnt until the new year coz of waiting list.iam very,very unfit.They say that exersize releases happy endorphins or some happy chemical ,so hopefully that might help to enthuse you in other ways so you dont feel quite so lonely at the mo.As you say you have friends here id like to be your friend you are very lovely person to know.sweetdreams annie.Janexx
Appreciate that LL. Thanks

Annie I dont like my own company either. I need people! I think I have lost my confidence too. M

Dear annieseed, you may physically be on your own as you say, but believe me there are many people out here who hear what you say and are giving you a big hug and lots of love. Keep strong, keep positive and good luck. We can't fight for you but I am sure I can say that we are all behind you in your battle!! I am the 'healthy' one in our partnership. In our 80's it is sometimes a struggle, with no kids I guess we are 'alone' too, but there is a sun out there somewhere - even if sometimes we can't see it..<3
Lovely words, worried wife! I appreciate them and hope that others will read them. x

Bless you, sometimes I too feel alone and helpless, but my words are always from my heart and I am so glad they helped x
Oh yes she did say stopping smoking is number one thing in the COPD'ers hit list and I forgot to mention that. Maybe because for me it is a thing of the past. Fifteen years now but whose counting
It doesn't matter how little we do or how fragile we are. Arm movements leg movements any movement is better than none. We can all manage something or we would be a statue rigid and immovable
Yes, I felt very strange yesterday, sleeping all the time, and feeling lonely BUT today is Monday and much better so what goes on in my mind. And hte exercises, and a bit of washing.
Hope the day gets better for you dear Annie.I know you feel that "something" is missing,with your Brian away,but do try & make the best of your respite,as you have been busy with Brian etc.& do have your own concerns.You must look after your own health as well,or you won't be well enough to cope with your hubby's illness as well.No matter how strong we think we are,we do have to look out for ourselves as well.Just look forward to having him home again soon,get plenty of rest in the meantime,your body is telling you,you need it! xxxx
Oh annie I feel for you, you are going through a very stressful time, how nice that your daughter is looking after your hubby whilst you recuperate and that means resting and of course sleep. So glad that you are feeling a little better today which means the sleep is helping. Just do what you can without over exerting yourself and I hope you will be up to par soon.
polly xx
I have been going through all these posts and the big conclusion that none of us need to feel alone, when a chat and an unload is only a few clicks away. A joke, read the posts and comment if you want. Or start a new post about any frets in your life.
We all have big stresses from time to time. I have seen it when I was a nurse years ago. (Starched caps and aprons - wonderful) So no one should bottle anything up. Talk feel like talking - just type I am fed up and then submit.
I completed my PR course and await my gym programme now to make sure I cotinue exercising. Benefits of this and changed meds mean that I have just spent 2 full days powerwashing ! something I could not think of doing some weeks ago. am for first time committed to exercise daily (except when exacerbation)... however slow I now know it helps....gives confidence too that breathlessness is OK when exercising ... managing it of course so it keeps at 3 or 4 on the borg scale...and no more.

Hi Juliekkay what is a PR course i'm level 4 COPD and would cut off my right arm if I thought it would help
Pulmonary Rehab. Every illness has rehab nowadays.
ha yeh ,even the fittest are going to gyms rehabs etc,do you think they ever think how peeps with lung problems manage,bernicex
Yes. Ask doc for a referral. Lots folk here have found benefits from this programe of exercise. And the blf booklet will help you in meantime. X

Thank you i'm due to see my GP next week so I will ask him. x
Hi Everyone,
Just thought you would like to know that BLF have produced a wonderful EXERCISE HANDBOOK for people affected by lung disease. I asked my Respiratory Nurse and she brought it round. All the BLF leaflets etc are absolutely perfect. Not patronising and so encouraging. They are great for relatives to read and help them understand COPD. Just go on the site and tick the leaflets you would like. Love and huggles. Val
You bet I will Valcopd. but I am not sure how to go about it. Go on what site and how?
I am a bit of a doddery old soul when it comes to computers. My ten year old granddaughter records programmes on the TV for me and my thirteen year old shows me around facebook
You do but if yours is anything like mine they will be more than willing. Since being in PR I have visited my surgery 50% less
Hi, I have done the PR coarse and I can say I feel better than I ever did before, I still go once a week to maintain and do my exercises every morning, I have more energy too, I can play with my grandchildren at the park and couldn't do that before I did the coarse, it can be tough to start with but the physio's that do it are great, they don'y push to hard unless you want to, exellent I can recommend to all COPDers.
Take care all.
Jude xx
I tried that but all I got was a message saying no literature available today!. Maybe they have run out of stock