I have been prescribed Codeine medicine to suppress my cough? Has anyone had experience of this medicine,if so was it any good. I have IPF and Bronchiectasis also some other health issues.
Codeine medicine: I have been... - Lung Conditions C...
Codeine medicine

Hi Chubb,have used it previously,was quite good,made me sleepy though.
One other thing,it can make you very constipated,so be warned,lol!
Good luck with it,Wendells xx

Thank you both for your replies,I was given Oramorph and then Methadone two years ago. The Oramorph was great,however I thought that I may need it at another time in my life.This cough is so tiring and annoying. I hope you have an enjoyable day,take care.
Hello Chubb,
I was prescribed Pholcodine cough syrup. Didn't make any difference for me.
Hi my husband was on Tylex which contains codeine we found it did help to suppress the cough from advanced Asbestosis but he became totally addicted to the Tylex wanting more and more of the tablets each day so he finally came off them, he was then given a steroid inhaler but the cough is as bad as ever day and night we have now accepted that nothing can be done for the cough.I hope your cough improves.
Hi Chubb, once or twice my husband was prescribed linctus codeine for a very hard, non-productive cough that was wearing him out. Doctors generally don't like to prescribe codeine because it can be addictive. But taking it for a while could suppress the cough and at least give you a break from it. I know someone who was prescribed Amitryptyline for a very harsh cough that was interfering with her work as a teacher. She's found it very helpful..
I was on Amitryptyline but I had to stop taking it because I was found to have 4th Stage Kidney Failure.
I have codeine phosphate for IBS. I have never found it suppresses my Bronch cough. Kaye
I was prescribed codeine phosphate for pain but had to come off it as it was causing me severe breathing difficulties on top of the breathing difficulties I already have due to ILD so in essence if did nothing for my cough either.
I've used codinex cough bottle for when I'm really bad. It's bloody great stuff. Suppress the cough. But it makes you very drowsy so only take it at night
I had an instant allergic reaction to co-codamol (sp?) when it was prescribed a few years ago. Instant extreme itching, dizziness so i was scared to climb the stairs. Unusual i think but telling you just on the off chance. Unlikely though.
I take pain killers with codeine in them
I thought it just made you sleepy.
And am sure I've taken cough medicine with codeine in it.
Yes had it some time ago, did help me sleep but cough still stays when you wake up!!!!!
Started intra ab's 5 days ago and my cough seems t be easing a bit, long may it last, but with the bronchiectasis it never goes away completely does it? no wonder we all so tired
jan x
I have ipf although l have not had codeine as l have an allergy to it so l have morpine and it as been a real help as l was constantly coughing which was making me more beathless l really feel a lot better hope the codeine works for you
You do not say if your cough produces phlegm? If it does please do try Active Cycle of Breathing Technique (Huffing) - There are lots of explanations on the internet or you could ask your doctor if you can be taught it by a physiotherapist. It is very easy. I used to cough all day long (I have sarcoidosis of the lungs), but now I do ACBT morning and evening to bring up the phlegm and mucus and hardly cough during the day.