This is indirectly a concern for those of us with breathing issues , plus your future option for equity release if you own your home. And can inpact on the value of your home. People were told that foam insulation in the loft was the bees knees , it was backed by the government and now it comes to light it contains bad chemicals in some cases not good for lungs if working with it, some types can actually cause damage to your roof and now they are refusing equity release loans of any type even ones to have it removed and your roof repaired. No one will commit to saying more specifically which type of foam is Ok so all mortgage companies are refusing loans for any property with foam insulation. This is discrimination and very worrying for those with lung conditions. Does anyone know anymore about this matter or who to contact besides a solicitor if you have concerns. ?
Roof insulation quandry: This is... - Lung Conditions C...
Roof insulation quandry

This is the first I’ve heard of it Katie. We don’t have foam insulation so I have no idea who you would speak to. Maybe Citizens Advice could help. Xxx
Thanks for reply sassy59, I have brought it to Citizens Advices Attention but of course this weekend is bank holiday. I am not sure if the info dealt to me is genuine as no one has informed me in official writing just a telephone call OK. But as a new cladding as just been endorsed by the government they may just be looking for people to have the new insulation and rang me . So its a case of buyer beware I guess. Right now I don't need this stress as I have a relative on palliative care for emphesymia as well as my own health matters and needing disability adaptations we all have to deal with our own life things but apparently there are thousands with the faulty insulation plus guarantees that are not worth the paper they are printed on. Hope you are both enjoying your bank holiday weekend. take care xx
Be very careful Katie as I’ve had a call like that some years back now. It could be a scam.
Sorry to hear about your relative and I know you have your health issues too. Take care Katie and enjoy the weekend. We’re not doing much as it’s too busy. Xxx💕🤗
I am knee deep in decorating after having some jobs done in the bedrooms. My granddaughter and greatgrandson are doing the decorating as the decorater who agreed to do it never turned up and he only lives a twenty minute walk away. I am not going to allow this person who rang to confuse the issue ,will contact others to expose this companies practices.
More tall stories from Boris and his crew of let`s get to net Zero.Without any consideration of 1/ the products safety and 2/ any impact to health of people.
This man and Nicola will say anything true OR false to keep face and position.

I would get in touch with Citizens Advice, I'd even try environmental health they may be able to help. Have a lovely day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻 v
I remember years ago a report on some types of wall insulation .Is the insulation you are querying the sort of foam injected onto the underside of the roof tiles .
Our government backed insulation was fibre glass on attic floor .
As Sassy says check with Citizens Advice .
It is the foam insulations put on the roof area , some are Ok, some are not but they are penalising all home owners for mortgages to repair there homes and not being able to rectify any matters on their homes due to funds being barred. So they are left with the damage and no means to finance it no matter what the value of their home. Plus their health may be suffering mental & physical. Enjoy your day thanks for reply.
The first I've heard of this too Katie. So often it seems governments give advice which is then retracted at a later date. Sassy and Bernadette's suggestion to ask Citizens Advice seems a good one. Your local council may be able to help too.
Thank you for reply , I have been in touch with both departments you suggest . Please read my reply to sassy59. I have been in touch with a place called foundation who advise on housing problems . Maybe later next week I will have a reply from someone. Enjoy your day.
You might contact your Borough Surveyors dept. Katie, or the planning dept but I'd try Surveyors 1st either Borough or private. P
Where did this information come from? I haven’t heard of this and am sceptical about it. Would have thought if are issues it would have been reported in the press.You are sensible to be wary and getting independent advice from eg CAB and local authority seems wise.
This has a nasty smell to it. I NEVER respond to unsolicited phone calls, emails or texts. If it was true there would have been lots of publicity about it. Scam at worst, dodgy salesmen trying to scare vulnerable people into buying insulation that they don't need at best. Put it away katie and don't stress yourself about it.x
This relates to spray foam insulation used in lofts to stabilise falling roof covering or add extra insulation. According to Which magazine the harmful fumes can be generated when installing it but ok after 24 hrs if put in by an approved installer.They also say
I am not sure why you are worrying about this. Have you bought a property which already has foam insulation? If you want to know if it has been installed properly. Get a surveyor to look at it. Spending a little to find out can give you peace of mind.

Hi Littlepom, I have just applied for an equity release loan for disability adaptations , one company said I can't have one unless I try for a council grant first . When I questioned this another company said it is usual to try for council help first, which I have done but it will be six months before I know the result of that and they are only considering a ramp not a downstairs bathroom ect. Informed the company then she rang back and asked some questions one was about loft insulation , followed by her saying no mortgage company would entertain me for a loan with foam loft insulation . But a company would give me £72,000 and I could live there for the rest of my life , My house is recently surveyed as £180,000 in its present condition, I think it is a scam myself and if I take the loft insulation out and renew it my property will be in better condition and I could get a mortgage. My granddaughter has just had a remotgage on her property to remove loft foam and put a new roof in. So it makes me wonder how genuine the caller is. I think the idea of a surveyors opinion would be best as you say.
I am sure its a scam. I wd apply for the council loan going heavy on your disabilities. My friend had all of her adaptations paid for by the council. Don't forget to get the vat off if you employ people yourself to do the adaptations.

Thank you, will let you know how it goes when I have news. Do know about not paying VAT for certain jobs. Enjoy the rest of the bank holiday.
Hmmm not sure if it’s an outright scam or just a nasty trick to obtain your property on the cheap! Yes they’ll pay you X amount but property worth more than double that.!!I’d be wary. It might be useful to speak to trading standards (as well as building people). Has anyone raised concerns above this company?
This company need reporting the company i originally contacted was not ringing as I thought so now i will be reporting the incidence further thanks for your reply
This is what I really like about this group. You came on here with a query and have had such a lot of helpful suggestions from people that actually do care about each other. Lovely 🥰
Hi Katieoxo60 and i see the awful dilemma for yourself and other home owners with foam insulation. Possibly 1,000's of cases nationwide. I'm no help whatsoever apart from maybe start a petition to get others like you to send a letter to the Government and show them just how dire your position is. Afterall you followed the advice given at the time and now you're stuck? Starting a petition isn't too daunting and a wonderful group of people called 38 Degrees can all the way. Google them. if this could perhaps be for you.Keep us posted though, won't you. Also the members have been far more helpful and knowledgeable and it could be a scam 🤔 😪 . Regards 🐿🥜😷x
I hope you get this sorted. It's adding unnecessary stress to your life, which none of us need. xxx
Are you sure this is not just a plausible sales person hoping to get a contract to re-insulate your loft?
Foam insulation to the roof area is a waste of money and does nothing to save energy. Never have it installed! The only insulation needed is 6 inches of fibreglass blanket insulation between the ceiling joist to prevent heat wasting from the room below. Companies that sell this foam should be prosecuted for misselling. I spent many years in the trade so I know from experience
So many scams going on you just cant trust anybody. Please dont stress about this Katie and take the advice given x
I must admit apart from men in the house to get at the loft I didn’t even think about it a knew little then. The insulation works and is as thick as a mattress unlike the old and they lagged the pipes. So apart from sitting in the garden and brushing up any bits I was ok and although we had the whole of the roof felt replaced last year no problem. The one I was suspicious of was the wall insulation which thankfully we had an honest man come to drill holes and pump it in. If you are like us with , not entire cavity walls or old walls where junk has fallen in between, it’s not good and can cause big damp issues. Good luck ask around , I did 👍🏻