Well I just checked how many new cases today 82 so it's working out an average of 100 new cases a day delta and beta . The fires are still raging on mainland Greece and on a small island off mainland , it's going totally crazy world wide all the natural disasters floods fires pandemic just waiting for it to rain frogs . I think mother nature as got a bee in her skirt to be shaking it this hard.
Yet another hot one: Well I just... - Lung Conditions C...
Yet another hot one
Just seen the fires on the 6pm news…. OMG it’s worse than I imagined! Do be as safe as you can, both of you and your neighbours! Must be terrifying where you are. We are having lots of rain, I wish I could re-direct it over to your island. Take care 🤞
Yes it's bad but I just hope and pray that they get it under control , my heart goes out to the families who have lost all they own . It's not easy rebuilding after this sort of devistation . I'm sat outside tonight the nice cool breeze is good air quality is improving thankfully .👍🤗
It’s mother nature’s revenge Davey. I was just thinking about you as the Greek fires were on the News.
I’ll look out for frogs 🐸 too. Ribbit! Xxxx
The Greeks don't say raining cats and dogs they say tables and chairs so watch out for a fast moving wingback 🤣🤣

Will do 👍🤣

I've also come across the UK saying, raining stair rods.
That's a weird one 🤣🤣🤣

I think it's when the rain is so dense that it looks like bars when it falls, rather than raindrops. A speciality of the Lake District and parts of Scotland.
Yes I've been in Scotland when it hammered it down it does look like bars 🤣🤣🤣
Yes I've been in Scotland when it hammered it down it does look like bars 🤣🤣🤣
I don’t know if this picture will do the rain justice, but this was Sussex on Sunday!!
I can imagine how wonderful it feels to enjoy fresh air again. I'm praying for rain to come to Greece. The fires look horrendous.
It's the worst it's ever been , yes fires spring up here it's part of having heat but it is really bad , still get my morning civil protection warning about fires .
It showed fires on news at 6 -dreadful.u stay safe x
Will do 👍
Anyone who doesn't believe in global warming seriously need to open their eyes and look around at what is going on right now 👍

Yep.its not just on land either.documetaries tell of sea creatures migrating from usual habitats as seas get warmer.theres fires raging in America as last year,new sth wales in Australia last yr too.we r all being impacted in one way or another.but certainly not as you are.i hope the smoke and ash has eased 4 u x
It's actually been quite cool tonight and the air quality is getting better but still a long way to go yet , I'm actually going out tomorrow to falaraki to the English shop to get some English food for my dad . He's lived in Greece twenty years but won't eat Greek food I'm the opposite I love Greek food and gone off English 🤣🤣

I'm glad it's cooler.yr good to him.stay safe xx

Does he speak Greek?My father lived in Austria for 36 years and never learned German. He was very bad at languages.
Enjoy the shop in Falaraki and I hope the fires go down soon. 💧💧💧💧💦
My dad's Greek comes down to one thing he can say goodmorning which is fine until afternoon or night come round 🤣🤣🤣🤣 twenty years being here and you could write his Greek on a match 🤣🤣🤣

That’s really quite funny. Did he marry a Greek person? Kalimera by the way.
Kalimara and no my mum was English they retired here after coming here for holidays for ten years 😂 unfortunately my mum passed away and is buried here so he won't leave the island

Oh that’s so sad and touching. I’m sorry. Brave of them to move to a Greek island really. It’s pouring down here today in London - looks like more flooding potentially. You are so right about global warming.
Well I made my mum a promise I would come out here if anything happened to her and check he was ok and I've been here five years now , he broke his hip and suffering with dementia so good job I'm here really . Yes saw about flooding in London not good at all

I see the fires are spreading - I hope Rhodes is ok ❤️
Yes we're fine at present but get daily reminders from the civil protection warning at 3.30 every morning 😹😹 saw part of the devistation left behind in one of the villagers today it broke my heart because no one can claim from insurance it's classed as an act of God
That's good the air quality has become better for you
Good job really I don't know how much longer I could have coped with the smell of smoke choking me , I've gone bed and got two big fans on full wack facing me sat up on my bed as I can't lay down 🤣
I sure hope you get rain to help with the fires and to cleanse the air. You need a good nights rest!! Yes... our small community has seen a 98 percent jump in new Covid cases. Fires still raging in the western US... so sad as they showed a video on the news of a small town completely gone due to the fires. I feel so sorry for the people who have lost everything. Our air quality is still bad!! Want to see the 🌞again!! Again... keep safe! As I say... but don't always follow.... this too shall pass🤨😠
I was watching TV the night before last and they shown the animal center near butterfly valley , butterfly valley they saved but the animal center was whipped out ostriches kangaroos everything gone so sad . Take care of yourself and keep safe 👍😷
Your news was in our national news broadcast yesterday. It looks awful. 😞 Please take care of yourself. xx 🙋
When you look around the world and see how many places are having the same problems with fires , floods and earthquakes along with landslides anyone saying global warming doesn't exist well I think they need to see someone 😂 yes it's really bad I just hope that they get them out before more people lose their homes and lives
Hope you managed to get a sleep last night Davey now that the weather has cooled a little. Very worrying time for you all x
No such luck I couldn't get comfortable felt on edge , kept hearing the helicopters buzzing around , then at 3.30 I get a civil protection warning about fires 😂😂 I wouldn't mind if it were a text message but it talks to you , it takes control of your fone 😂😂😂

Looks like you maybe having a siesta today then, rest up and take it easy x
May go for a swim . If I can that is. 😂😂

Ah! now thats something I miss, would be happy to just dip my toes. Enjoy your swim or paddle in the sea x
I enjoyed my swim the water was just like getting into a warm bath , had a little swim can't go in for long have to be careful because of these seizures , but all the same I enjoyed my swim , as soon as I got out the water bang I dropped so timed it just right . Good exercise for my leg aswell . I was surprised only one other person swimming and that was my mate , we always have a laugh with him and tell him we can see a whaling ship because he's quite chunky , the soft sod Always looks .
As soon as I got home I had a really nice smoothie with seven vitamins in it and a protein supplement to help me along boy their nice .😹😹

These look good and sound like they are good for you too x
Certainly give you a boost with the vitamins and very tasty aswell 👍

How did you add the photo, I cant seem to find the button that lets you do this ?
Under the bit your typing in you have three capital letters a smiling face and a square that looks like a mountain in it that is to add pictures

It doesnt give me the option of adding one, think it maybe my android that doesn't work properly, thanks anyway x
Ok ,it took me ages and lots of button pushing to find out what everything did 😂 phones have come along way since my first one that was the size of a breeze block 😂😂

Gosh how weird! I’ve never heard of that before!! I would be thinking someone had slipped something into my cuppa if voices came out of my phone lol unexpectedly!
It's the same system all countries have for an emergency or natural disaster. Shame that the UK don't use it for floods . I have a UK SIM card in my phone but because I'm in Greece it automatically picked up my phone and just started talking in Greek then English same message . Good idea I must admit

Clever. 🤔
Yes but would they use it that is what you want to ask yourself 😉
The people can't even claim off insurance because it's classed as an act of God
Davey boy you make my day mate
DR DOOM lol i mean that in a nice way
Keep em coming DR DOOM
Well I do try really hard 🤣🤣🤣 every day seems to be a challenge these past months what with earthquakes fires I'm still waiting for the locust and frogs 🤣🤣🤣

You watching the olympics?
Been trying but every bloody channel as the news on and it's all about the fires , 😂😂 you talk to the locals it's either fires or covid cases watch TV the same thing 🤣🤣 I'm going to go down the beach and look for strange sea creatures like in the UK , mind you that would be tourists here 🤣🤣🤣
Would love to have sent you some of the heavy rain we had here yesterday.
Still keeping my fingers crossed for you. you're a ⭐to cope with all this.🥇🥇🥇
I always see bad things as a starting point for you to make better 😉
Some may say that this is all Gods wrath, Predicted By Nostradamus and the bible and war of the planets dooms day scenario. None of which give an indication of how to fix it.
I think we know how to fix it, but the fix would involve sacrifice in terms of profit and lifestyle, both of which, unfortunately, go against human nature!😡😠 xx
Definitely nail on head 👍👍👍
That's an easy one not do what caused it in the first place but hold on anyone got a time machine , mind you no one would believe you if you did go back in time and say look what you are doing . Man's downfall , David Attenborough as been telling us for years
Hi Davey! I'm glad things are improving, fire wise. Covid numbers sound a bit scary though! I hope you manage to get some rest and a swim soon, it sounds like you must be exhausted.I love your expression about Mother Nature "shaking her skirt"!! Mind, I think she has every reason to be mad with how we mistreat her!
Take care xx
My gran always said about shaking her skirt 🤣🤣 things sit in the mind 🤣🤣
My gran always said about shaking her skirt 🤣🤣 things sit in the mind 🤣🤣
I was watching the fires last night on the news. I think we are all going to have to be more eco friendly. We’ve not had good weather here. Rain, wind and low temps. 19 degrees today.
Well I went to falaraki this morning to do some shopping for my dad English food shop 😹 I was watching the planes and helicopters taking on water to drop n evia , my friend brought me back through where our fire was it opens your eyes seeing burnt out homes and cars not nice .

It’s an awful thing to happen. As long as you both are ok.
Yes we're both fine thanks , was talking with my dad tonight and he just dropped a bombshell on me , he's got no funeral plans for himself and no savings to pay for one either I asked him how he never planned for this he said well when I'm dead it's not my problem is it and started laughing , apparently he spent his savings on a new scooter which he gave away and no idea what he did with the rest . I'm in a right pickle what a bombshell to drop .👎👎👎
Oh dear! That’s a difficult one.
Tell me about it , I mean I have my funeral planned , I get my body shipped back to the UK and cremated , this was paid for for some time so I had common sense. I took out a proper funeral plan and even recently updated it after being informed i was terminal and also to inform them where I am , my body will be repatriated through the consulate , but these were things my dad told me he had sorted but now find out he lied . So not good news.