Hi, I am back asking for more advice after my husband was readmitted to hospital with another infection, just three weeks after being discharged following 32 days incarceration which, at one point was life threatening. This earlier infection was eventually cleared "completely" (I know pseudomonas lurks!) with meropenem.
Initially his CRP levels were 155 (not bad compared to the 302 he had previously) so we hoped this one would be short lived. 10 days on Tazocin they were down to 60ish so, in their wisdom the docs decided to stop the ABs and see what happened (reason stated was they needed to have some leeway in case the infection got worse??) Needless to say, blood test two days later showed they had increased to 95 so back on Tazocin for the remaining four days of 14 day cycle. He had another blood test today - two days after restart - and the levels have increased to 103. Surely if the AB is working the CRP would reduce? The doc is still continuing to administer the same antibiotic and says they will review on Monday.
The other issue is his SATS keep dropping without oxygen - he is maintaining 90 with 2-3 litres per minute - but has never needed supplementary oxygen above 1 litre even with an infection. He does not have oxygen at home.
He was also diagnosed with bronciectasis during the previous admission (which had shown on CT scan in October but we weren't told about it).
I know contributors on here are not medics but some are very experienced in these conditions. Dare I ask the question - is this treatment appropriate? Thank you.