I am vulnerable and have had my second Pfizer jab today. After being a 'prisoner' when can I go on buses and trains? Surely there is no risk if I wear a mask.
Re travel: I am vulnerable and have had... - Lung Conditions C...
Re travel

The vaccine takes 2-3 weeks to really activate so not just yet. It’s great you’ve been vaccinated though.
We’re still in lockdown so see how things are when we’re released. Proceed with caution though and yes wear a mask. Xxxx
Really great that you have the 2nd dose of the vaccine. I think there is a period after that you still have to wait before it becomes effective so please be careful, and as you say wear a mask as and when you do venture out. Take care.
Even after waiting for 2nd jab to become effective we are still under lockdown. Therefore you shouldn’t be travelling anywhere unless very good reason.
As a matter of interest skipwork, have you been given a card as some countries give to prove you've had the double vaccination?
That’s really good news that you’ve been vaccinated . Xx
It’s great news you got the second vaccine. 👍
I would add carry on hand washing as well as the mask, if nothing else will reduce likelihood of any other infections.
As with the flu jab antibodies may take up to four weeks to build up. But please remember that you can still carry and pass on the virus to others. So still follow the current guidance.
Good to hear you have had the vaccine. Continue to take the keeping safe guidance. Take care.
I am very glad for you. Are you ok? Any side affect in this period? My round is not coming to have vaccin. I was a ,,prisoner,, too at home last year and now. I have severe asthma and bronchiectasis with pseudomonas and high blood pressure, a severe fungal infection from antibiotics that not respond of any treatment. If anyone could help me with some suggestions for fungal infection I would be grateful. I had Nystatin for one week and Fluconazole 200mg/ day for one month but not respond. Many thanks
Not too many people will see your request for advice re fungal infection here Sandra's but they will read new posts. If you copy your above reply and paste it to a new post hopefully you will get some replies of your query. Best wishes, P
Hi Sandra, I have pulmonary aspergillosis which is a fungal disease, it is a rare disease and can be hard to diagnose as a lot of doctors never see it. There is a very useful website from the National Aspergillosis Centre in Manchester, Aspergillosis.org there is a lot of useful info on there about aspergillosis, there is an active Facebook group ‘aspergillosis support UK’ which anyone diagnosed with aspergillosis can join. Have you been told what type of fungi it is? The group is supervised by NHS experts from Manchester and if you post a question on the group they should be able to help point you in the right direction
Thank you very much for your answer. I didn't know what kind of fungal I have, I will go on Monday at Oaks Hospital/Colchester. I have an appointment with dr Duncan MacRae, ENT. Please tell me: What type of tests did you have to discover aspergillosis? Do you have any treatment and how you manage this disease? Thank you so much.
Hi Sandra, Aspergillosis is diagnosed by a combination of blood and sputum tests and possibly X-ray CT scan, bronchoscopy and biopsy, the Normal treatment is with antifungal meds. Fluconazole is an anti fungal normally used on candida and is generally the first level, there are stronger meds available such as Itraconazole and Voriconazole. The two most common aspergillosis are ABPA allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis, which has asthma like symptoms and CPA chronic pulmonary aspergillosis which causes growth of fungi in a lung, symptoms are more limited but coughing blood is the common one. Surgery is sometimes possible to remover the growth, but the normal treatment is the anti fungal meds. If aspergillosis is suspected your doctor or consultant can refer you to Manchester, I have CPA and fortunately my consultant at Ipswich recognised it, I did have the option to go to Manchester but it was decided that it was too far to travel. What ever fungal infection it is it’s getting the diagnosis which is the bit that normally takes the longest. Once you know what it is the best treatment can start. Most of my info comes from regular communication on the aspergillosis Facebook group and the weekly zoom calls we have with the experts at Manchester.
Ohh, indeed you gave me so many information to help me. I live in Colchester and my Consultant Dr Peter Hawkins is in General Hospital Colchester and he is there a Covid section, other dr told me and I can't talk to him even I called every week since on December and sent emails to her secretary but I haven't any answer. Also we have the comon Trust Hospitals ( Ipswich and Colchester) because every specialist letter is from Ipswich. Maybe you'll help me with name's of your Consultant in Ipswich. Maybe he can help me. By the way I have tried to sign in Aspergillosis. org and I can't. I only subscribe for newsletter. There is only one button sing in/register & it is not work for register. Thousands of kisses for everything 🥰. God bless you
My consultant is Dr Johnathan Dowse who is head of the Ipswich hospital chest department. Aspergillosis.org should show a full webpage with lots of info and link there is a login/register button but I can still view all the info with touching it. If you still have problems I can contact the website manger and find out for you
Thanks again that you wrote me the name of your consultant. The website has many information it is not necessary to contact the manager.
I found this website with all consultants in Ipswich chest clinic. All consultants are in the same foundation trust called,, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) provides hospital and community health care services for Colchester, Ipswich and local areas. I will send a link where you'll find your consultant Jonathan Douse, and my Consultant Peter Hawkins( I didn't know that he is also in Ipswich Hospital, too). Do you keep in touch with him in the last month, for example? Because I was on 22 nd of December to Acute Emergency ward with this fungal infection and I stayed there 7 hours and a dr told to me that Dr. Hawkins can't be able to sees me because there is covid ward now and I can't go there. Maybe is the same covid problem in the chest department in Ipswich. This is the website with all consultants from your chest clinic.nhs.uk/Services/hospitals/S...
SandraI see that Biker 88?has given the advice that I would have passed on. When I was diagnosed with Aspergillus I could not have antifungals. I concentrated on all the general advice on reducing inflammation and I also took Oregano Oil. I worked with a herbalist. This seems to have worked for me and my blood tests show positive signs but that is all I can say about it as we are all different.
I hope that you feel better soon.
Hi Grace, I have two months when my life is worse day by day, because my throat is redness, tongue is full of many white dots, my lips is dry and peeled off daily and has red dots. I will try Oregano oil. How many times I should to take per day? I'll let you know how will be with oregano oil and I try to reduce inflammation in my body. Thank you very much for your advice.
Hello skipwork, glad to hear your news its nice that someone on the site is round to their second injection. However as we have a national lockdown I would proceed with caution in respect of going out and travelling .best wishes xx
I just saw this article on the BBC news websiteBBC News - 'Care needed' after getting Covid vaccine
A nurse got sick with coronavirus three weeks after having the vaccine. So I guess you still need to be cautious while the virus is still so contagious and easily transmitted.
The mask is not necessarily just to protect you it It protects others from you. Everything is still experimental . The vaccine should reduce your chances of suffering from it and no vaccine is 100% and we do not know if it stops you giving it to others while not having any signs of it so do wear your mask wash your hands and keep a distance as before. Act as though you have the virus is what they say. I would not risk buses and trains yet. This is only the first step and it will never be eliminated completely. It will mutate again and again like flu does. There is a new strain of the flu every winter as you know and we have a vaccine every winter including hopefully all the new strains of flu that have appeared in the southern hemisphere over their winterYou were lucky to get that so quickly , to be in at the start
Take care
I am so happy that you have had your-vaccinations. Keep well, keep safe
It's nice to know you can get the vaccine and I wish you well.
There is nowhere in the area I live considered to be worthy of giving vaccinations to the locals.....
.The P.M. gives assurances everywhere is covered but it still does not include South Holland.
Peterborough City Hospital in Cambs. was listed for our area vaccinations , however this has changed to a village surgery somewhere in Norfolk.........😕
Jo 😊
Nowhere me in Kent either, i dont know anyone in my area whose had it. Its because we are miles from anywhere i think and all gp surgeries nearby are tiny
Our surgery is large , there are six Doctors plus a senior nurse type and umpteen nurses who dish out flu vaccine etc... . Also in the townAnother surgery which has four Doctors .There's also a little practice
The next village along has four Doctors ......so it makes no sense really.
In this part of the county there are no end of practices .......
Every village has a Gp. practice
I believe the council are complaining ,the Mp has been approached.
Promises from BJ. That we would be on the next list out .........
The list is out and we are not. There has to be a reason.....
There are 3 very small gp practices near me, but my gp said except for her, none of the others were interested in doing the vaccines, they haven't got capacity for it. Flu jab was done in the car park
Do you know your reply has not surprised me in the least.A friend and I were agreeing our Gp's seem to be bone idle.(all 6 of them )
So am thinking that is more like as not why we have been left out.
Either that or they are not being paid enough.
Yes I agree, my gp wants to but hasn't the space. I'm afraid the others are all near retirement and have got lazy , you are right. Hopefully we will get the vaccine some time this year
I'm afraid you can't, here's a quote from the letter/email sent from the government sent to vulnerable people "Even if you have had both doses of the vaccine, you should continue to follow this shielding advice until further notice". If you haven't had this information I'll be happy to forward the whole text.Sorry ☹️
Hi skipwork. I have been shielding since March and have the second part of my vaccine tomorrow. My doctor has advised I give it another 2 weeks just to be on the safe side.....then I am going back to work.You can go on bus and train if it is for reasons allowed, but continue to wear mask, social distance etc and follow lockdown rules.
I know how you feel wanting to get out.....take care, but enjoy it 😉xxx