Hi I just joined trying to get info for flights ,oxygen to travel with, insurance etc have spent days on the phone getting nowhere. I have a portable concentrator NHS but cannot take it out of the country any advice would be helpful thank you. Sam
Travel: Hi I just joined trying to get... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi, unfortunately I can't help you,but I m sure someone will B along to help. Let us know how you get on, take care😊 xxx Bernadette
Unfortunately you can't take NHS equipment abroad.
You will have to hire you own equipment, rembering you need sufficient battery power for the flight duration.
For hire try.
For further useful information.
Look at.
Thank you I will phone them tomorrow Sam
Hi I was quoted this week €559 for 2 weeks in Spain rental spent quit a lot of time trying to research places to rent lightweight POCs I have the Inogen G3 from NHS, thinking of buying one now 3X rental would almost buy one, my question being has has anyone got experience in buying something similar flow rate 3 Thankyou I had hoped my sun holidays were not over. Sam
I have a Imogen G3, the new model goes to 5lpm, which would future proof you needs,
Although they say settings1-2-3-4
Is equal to 1-2-3-4 LPM
That may not be absolutely accurate, Setting 4 may only equal 3lpm.
The Imogen G3 weight is 2.2kg on standard battery.
Can be charged in car. Comfortable to carry, there is also a back pack.
Thanks for that I'm very pleased with this it's better than dragging along a canister in a shopping trolley. So do you Recommend the G3 just for an opinion from a fellow user. Sam
Yes that's the company I was thinking of emailed them earlier asked if it could be used with a plug adapter Sam
I tried the freestyle which I found to loud, and uncomfortable to carry.
I find the G3 which is well balanced and quiet, not uncomfortable to carry.
My only disappointment is I purchased when it only went to 4lpm which is what I use.
The new models goes to 5lpm which for you, would give a boost if needed, and cater for any future needs.
I would certainly recommend one.
Intermedical do offers and are open to discussion.
Also try
Hi I was told last week I had to cancel my holiday I had booked from last July, I failed the fit to fly and could not get a letter due to oxygen levels sometimes being 90 or under. All insurance inquires stated I had to have a fit to fly letter. I'm not on oxygen but I know Thomas cook only have 1 oxygen facility in a first come basis. I cancelled reluctantly may I add because I'm traveling with my young family so not risking it. 😢 I would see your consultant or GP for a fit to fly letter first. I do hope it works out for you.
That's a great pity. Why did you have to cancel? I have oxygen whilst in flight (not at other times) and you can reserve the 'one place' with Thomas Cook. I'm flying with them in October and have reserved the place already. I have the necessary forms to submit to them nearer the time. It's not cheap and a real inconvenience to organise but seems a real shame that you can't be with your family on holiday. My sats are often below 90. I have fitness to fly test at hospital.
Omg I totally feel gutted I was told by Thomas Cook that anyone on plane who needs oxygen can't get it if someone falls ill before oneself. She never mentioned booking a seat. I've sadly told the kids and cancelled. My consultant had to change my appointment he was off. So had to go to GP who probably know me best anyway. I'm so so upset😢 I'm glad you can go I think I've been told the wrong thing by the agent then as I've booked up last July. Many Thanks Joy. Really helpful info. Can't wait to see consultant in April. Might get away yet. X
Oh! That's really naughty of Thomas Cook. They charge £100 each way for oxygen, if you could get a schedule flight with BA they provide oxygen for free. I really hope you do get away. It's bad enough struggling to breath without giving up on the odd trip away. I always feel better with a bit of clean air too. Good luck. Keep me informed. Joy x
yes Thompsons are free too,and let you take acondenser as extra hand luggage.
Are you sure Thompson supply oxygen for free? They too charged me £100 each way on a flight to Spain. We're not talking about using your own oxygen equipment by the way. Joy. x
Yes i hired my machine healthy oxygen for ten days to Spain for ten days and it cost £200 pounds and you get extra batteries for your duration and get it for week before i went on holiday to. Make sure i was okay with they are a good company to rent of and very quick delivery
Why can't you take it out you will be with it. Does it have an alarm or something? Maybe you can rent one. That seems silly.
Ive been getting help with this issue. Insurance is very high our airlines flying out if Australia require medical forms si you can take your iwn portable oxygen
Insurance, I got a quote from one company for 2 weeks in the Canaries £1100, then went through BLF website and found a company who offered me insurance for about £150, the excess is very high at £500 but worth it. Fish is the name of the company, the insurance is for my husband who has IPF and is on oxygen
First of all it depends entirely on where you are wanting to go.Most airlines these days will provide oxygen on board for the duration of the flight. I always fly with either EasyJet or Monarch as they allow me to take 2 of my portable oxygen tanks with me free of charge so I do not have inflight charges, Some airlines are free on oxygen others will make a charge. You do also need to provide a fit to fly letter from your doctor. The next step is to arrange for oxygen whilst on holiday. This can be done and if in Europe should be free on your EICC card You can phone The Overseas Health Team on 0191-2181999 and also Dept of Health Customer services on 02072104850. Be warned that in the past I have had to be prepared to phone the country I am going to to do all the booking myself and fax over copies of my passport EICC card and letter from GP showing my oxygen usage. It is not that easy and I have unfortunately given up on holidays abroad due to the hassle. The only other option is to rent a portable oxygen concentrator with batteries for use on the plane and whilst away but these are quite expensive and can add up to £350 to your holiday cost. I wish you well.
My problem was first Thomas Cook didn't insure me, and I wasn't allowed a fit to fly letter I wish I had all this knowledge before I even booked.
From my own experience I have been told I need a Fit to Fly by my consultant but then they told me that it may not cover my return flight?
Look for travel insurance that specialise with health condtions medicaltravelcompared.co.uk/ others are out there.
That doesn't sound right Offcut, I've been using the same fitness to fly certificate for two years. Consultant just signs the current form, for it not to be valid for a return flight seems very wrong to me x
I think the problem is I can go from being a bit gooey to full blown pneumonia in a few days. They have said I will need to have a test before flying which means they could say no after I have booked paid etc. So I just stay on the ground now.
I also have the issue of not being able to afford the cost of travel insurance due to multi-conditions.
for any airline to help you you need a fit to fly letter, from your gp or respitory clinic. Then contact your airline (Thompsons are good they supply a tank of oxygen free of charge,then you contact the British consulate who will tell you where to get your supply from. insurance is a different ball game,so I'll leave that one to someone else. But remember the airline will not accept oxygen in any form without a fit to fly.
There seems to be some confusion here .... I've just phoned Thompson and they charge £100 each way for oxygen on a flight to Europe. You have to pay for it in advance and they said it's 'non refundable'. Joy.
maybe they have changed their system since last year. I was definately not charged anything, and all of the paperwork was in my little hand.
General Information for Therapeutic (Supplementary) Oxygen Requests
Customer Advice
Supplementary Oxygen can be pre-booked on all Thomson Airways flights. There is a restriction on the amount of passengers that require the use of on board oxygen so it is important you contact Customer Welfare before your booking is made so we can check availability.
The supply is called Aviation Breathing Oxygen, set as standard ISO2046 and administered via portable cylinders. This differs to medical oxygen, which requires set moisture content that can only be handled by licensed personnel and as prescribed by a Doctor, dependant on the medical condition.
The oxygen provided delivers a continuous flow, regulated by a demand valve. Oxygen is delivered via a nasal cannula, which opens and closes when you inhale and exhale. No oxygen is wasted as with free flowing oxygen supplied via a mask.
Oxygen can only be provided once the aircraft is airborne. It cannot be supplied during take off and landing, which is approximately 20 minutes.
Kind Regards,
On this advice we ask that you consult with your Doctor to ensure that our oxygen supply meets with your requirements. You will need to provide us with a Fitness to Fly Certificate from your Doctor, to be submitted within one month prior to departure and based on your current state of health. The Certificate must be stamped or on letter headed paper, stating the following:
Your medical condition
You are ‘fit to fly’
‘Aviation Breathing Oxygen is an apt supply’ for your medical requirements
This is essential information and must be worded specifically on the Certificate, in order for your request to be processed. If possible, please use the template attached to submit your fit to fly letter.
There is no charge for this service. Please contact our Special Assistance team on 0844 871 1600 for more information and to book.
The template letter attached can be used by your doctor to submit the relevant documentation by completing the required information and ensuring it is stamped by the doctor’s surgery. Alternatively, we suggest you take this to your doctor when he is writing your letter to ensure that all the information we require before allowing you to book is supplied.
Special Assistance Department
Columbus House (2nd Floor)
Westwood Way
Westwood Business Park
Fax: 02476 282667
Dear Sir/Madam
I can confirm that the person named below is fit to fly. However, they will require oxygen during the flight.
I am aware that the oxygen supplied by Thomson Airways is Aviation Breathing Oxygen and is set as standard ISO2046. I believe this oxygen, delivered via a nasal cannula and regulated by a demand valve, is an apt supply for my patient’s medical requirements.
My patient and I are also fully aware that Oxygen can only be provided once the aircraft is airborne. It cannot be supplied during take off and landing, which is approximately 20 minutes.
Holiday Booking Reference: ……………………………………………….
Date of travel: ……………………………………………….
Patient Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Patient’s Medical Condition: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Doctors Signature: ……………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………………………………..
no confusion, maybe you phoned the wrong place, not the customer welfare line as indicated above, I don't know but for sure there was no charge and that was actually in september just gone.
for the sake of being boring here is the actual confirmation of my flight and my oxygen.
Dear Mrs M Whiteley,
Holiday Ref: 2640651
This letter is to confirm that oxygen has been booked and will be provided for you on the below flights.
16 Sept 2016 LGW 06:20 - AGP 09:55 TOM4500
30 Sept 2016 AGP 10:55 - LGW 12:55 TOM4501
Please take this letter with you to the airport. A copy of your doctor’s letter stating your medical condition, that you are fit to fly and that the supply of Aviation Breathing Oxygen will be suitable for your needs will also be required. If this is not provided at check-in you may be refused travel.
May we take this opportunity to wish you a pleasant flight with Thomson Airways.
Kind Regards,
Customer Welfare
Telephone 0203 4512585
Erm -- who would know if you took the portable concentrator out of the country??? Just a thought.
You would know, and you would be well aware that you had breached the terms and conditions upon which your oxygen is supplied. And if the equipment was lost/damaged/stolen/impounded you could be facing a bill of up to £3000. It is the same state of mind as when people buy travel insurance without declaring medical conditions and then get claims disallowed.