I am being quoted ridiculous prices for travel insurance due to COPD and that I MAY require oxygen on board plane. (I have never needed oxygen in all the years I have had COPD and flown!) Can anyone suggest a good insurance company that won't charge the earth, or anything else I can do, other than never flying again!
Travel Insurance : I am being quoted... - Lung Conditions C...
Travel Insurance

It’s five years since my husband was able to fly but when we did , and we did quite regularly and always shopped around ,we always used Staysure it was still ridiculously more for him than me around £160 if I remember rightly but it was the cheapest we found 🤦🏻♀️ Good luck
Staysure might be worth a 2nd look, they've been more reasonable in last few years. Of course it's all going to be even more expensive now with covid and the extra costs of pressure travel tests & possible hotel quarantine. I'm desperate to see my French family. P xx
In the past I have used Saga Insurance mainly, but also Staysure and Travel Insurance 4 Medical. I hope you can find something suitable.
I have used the post office in the past. Still expensive but better than some.
I didn’t find the Post Office too bad... haven’t flown for 3 years though... 🤞
It takes a long time to find someone who will properly cover you when travelling abroad....you must declare everything. Most insurers wont insure me including Saga. Last year we looked at insurers and I was quoted £450 for 7 days for me and my husband with Staysure. I didnt get to travel though. Good luck
I've used Holiday Safe. I also phoned them to arrange it so I could explain my symptoms etc accurately. I found them cheaper
I used All Clear 2 years ago for an Annual policy With having a pacemaker. Copd and kidney disease and for both of us was 400. But it covers you for all holidays abroad upto 90 day stays that was. And I always ring up and speak to a medical advisor so you can go through the questions more clearly. I found a yearly policy was better than just for the holiday
I used InsuranceWith the last time. It wasn’t cheap but it depends where you’re going. America or Mexico nearly doubles the cost.
You need to take a ‘fitness to fly test’ to find out if you need oxygen onboard a flight. If you do, it’ll be a whole different price but very doable. Insurance with any complaint is expensive but needing oxygen makes it even more so. Establish if you need oxygen or not before you start looking. Mine used to be as much or more than the cost of the flight. Good luck Joy x
What makes you think you may need oxygen when you fly? If you have severe copd you need a * fit to fly* letter from your respitory team.
Post office wouldn't insure me, I had a fit to fly letter, its a few years ago now but I think all clear insured me...expensive I'm afraid but good luck x
Thank you everyone for replying to my query about travel insurance. A few years back I was told I MAY need oxygen on a flight. I have always told the company I am flying with and they make sure there is oxygen should I need it but I never have. Now though my insurance cover is prohibitive, £2,500 for the year! That is with AllClear. I shall look into the ones you have recommended. Thanks again for your help.

It will probably be the norm at present to have to shop around for insurance. I have added a link below from our webpage you may find useful.
It is advisable to book your insurance as soon as you have arranged your holiday in case of cancellations etc, to ensure you are covered.
Take care