HELLO once again has anyone had the above ??? THE DR STARTED ME ON THESE 50MG tablet but only a half of one , i had one yesterday half TODAY I HAVE BEEN CRAWLING UP THE WALL WITH MY BREATHING so uits taken at least 26 hours to reach my sytem , iam just starting to feel a bit better , So anyone had or tried these , i dont thnk i will bother again with these ;lots love Sandra xxx
SERTRALINE : HELLO once again has... - Lung Conditions C...

I'd read the enclosed leaflet thn speak to Yr pharmacist,for advice
I took Sertraline for a couple of weeks in 2021 and never felt so ill. I had a permanent anxiety attack which may be breathe really badly. I was so bad we had to cancel our holiday in Cornwall. I stopped them once I realised they had caused my problem. Will never take those again!
Hi Sandra. Sertraline (Zoloft) is mainly used to treat to treat depression, and also sometimes panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. In short it's an anti depressant. May I ask why you were prescribed them?
I have been on Sertraline for almost 12 years now. I started on a very low dose of 25mg for eight years and in the past two years this was increased to 50mg. The increase has helped me very much. It takes 4-6 weeks for this drug to work, and it's not for everyone. I would ask for advice from your chemist.
With very best wishes,
Cas xx 🙋🐶
hi casp i have copd and now after tests i have emphysemia . i panick plus my breathing is not good , so dr trying to help me love him but after taking the half tablet i felt awful , how you managed for 12 years i could not manage for 12 mins , i did try but it interfered with my breathing . thankyou for your kind reply xxxx Sandra
Taking new medication is daunting. I think there's a level of fear around the unknown which can cause anxiety which makes breathing worse. Having said that, everyone reacts to medication differently. If you feel like you cannot persevere with it, I would get advice. If you've only taken one dose, you should be okay to stop. Normally with anti depressants stopping and starting again is not advised. Take care. xx 😊
I took them a few years ago. Prescribed because doc said they sometimes help with CFS (they didn't), they say take 1/2 a tablet daily for the first two week because Sertraline can make some people nauseous, then up the dose to one table . I didn't feel up the wall on them