Good afternoon everyone, I have recently heard good reports on Manuka Honey in the press, does anyone take this daily as well as their prescribed medications?
Thank you in anticipation.
Joe x
Good afternoon everyone, I have recently heard good reports on Manuka Honey in the press, does anyone take this daily as well as their prescribed medications?
Thank you in anticipation.
Joe x
I personally would say save your money and buy local honey. It still has a natural anti bacteria ( though not as high as manuka) but as is collected local to wear you live it tends to be of more benifet to you . 😉 I say this as a totaly unbiased bee keeper 🐝
Ps manuka honey is often forged and or diluted so please if you buy manuka check its sorse
Hi Joseph I don’t but my friend says local honey is best and they also say it helps with hay fever in the summer months.
When I was quite poorly for a few years I used the highest strength every day in an effort to claw my way back to reasonable health. I certainly believed in it then, enough to pay £35 a jar for the genuinearticle. I'm sure it helped at the time. Now I use local honey at £6 a jar.
There are loads of old post and replies about this so you could try putting Manuka in the search bar. P
I use manuka honey and ordinary( cheaper) honey. I definitely think honey has good properties. I have it in my tea and on porridge. Manuka is good if you know it is the genuine, but ordinary honey is just as good.
Not too much daily though.🙂
I only take manuka honey when unwell and then the genuine manuka, there are alot of fakes around, but as alot on here have said local honey is more beneficial x
I have been taking it for over a year. One teaspoon a day with a teaspoon of regular honey. Included in this regimen is vitamin A twice a day along with four days of cycling at the YMCA. I cannot say there is an improvement in my copd but there has been no degeneration. Manuka is not cheap and is very thick ergo the regular honey.
I buy it for my mum as she couldn't tolerate 2 years of antibiotics for her lung infection (the acute liver damage from antibiotics) so I thought I'd try Manuka Honey as we had nothing else to try after the consultant said the antibiotics had to be stopped.
Manuka honey needs to be NPA 10+ and above. (Under 10 apparently is not active or something - sorry don't know the right words) . I buy Steens NPA/UMF? 20+ (sorry I don't know what these letters mean) from Waitrose ( I imagine they buy from reputable sources). It's £50! and lasts one month - and frankly I find the taste disgusting but that could be the medicinal properties - My mum likes it. I give her a spoonful a day. Have no idea if it helps but like I said she couldn't take antibiotics. I do know though that Drs use clinical /medical grade Manuka Honey on sores /wounds that won't heal - with some success when some antibiotics don't work. Whether it works internally who knows but my mum is still alive - and this is about 5 years after she was supposed to have finished a 2 year course of 3 types of antibiotics for Mycobeterium Avium Complex.
If you can afford it, then you're not losing anything in taking it and could be doing some good. If not, then perhaps just a good honey would give normal honey benefits - good honey is not blended with other cheaper things and is much better than really cheap ones. They are still pricey over £5 usually but £50 could probably be better spent just on a healthy food.
Every winter be sure to get the genuine article.
Thank you 🙏
I use Manuka honey if I think I’m getting a chest infection I use UMF15 +. (514 MGO) I use a cheaper one ( teaspoon per day ) on cereals.
It is expensive as it comes from New Zealand. We had really good results using it on infected wounds at the hospital.