Reading about Manuka honey. Found it on Aldi for £3.99 for active 10 250gm jar. I take 3 teaspoons a day.
Also read about NAC for bringing up phlegm does that work
Reading about Manuka honey. Found it on Aldi for £3.99 for active 10 250gm jar. I take 3 teaspoons a day.
Also read about NAC for bringing up phlegm does that work
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Hi there are few natural remedies that help ... The honey helps fight infections and have seen others but cant think of names
Try BLF website search ... Hope that helps cheers all the best
What strength is the manuka honey?. I usually try to take at least +12. The stronger the better. M
Thanks for the tip about cheaper manuka honey! I am going to start my husband on the manuka honey as soon as the children go back to school! My husband used NAC for a while but it aggravated his stomach. We both thought it helped but it can aggravate stomach ulcers etc. and my husband did have a stomach ulcer some time ago. Take care, TAD xx
Hi Tadaw I hope hubby is keeping well and rest of your family also. Yes the manuka honey in Aldi's is 10+ in strength and £3.99. I know higher strength ones are recommended but very expensive. I bought couple of jars of Aldi's and will take it 3 times a day straight from the spoon. Shame about the NAC. What does your husband use to help bring up phlegm?
Hi Twinks he has been taking serapeptase for a couple of years which is good at thinning mucous definitely a difference when he doesn't take it. Also it helps my sinuses. Downside is the expense. X xx
Thanks for the tip about cheaper manuka honey! I am going to start my husband on the manuka honey as soon as the children go back to school! My husband used NAC for a while but it aggravated his stomach. We both thought it helped but it can aggravate stomach ulcers etc. and my husband did have a stomach ulcer some time ago. Take care, TAD xx
That's interesting. Thanks for that tip. What is NAC please?
On the subject of Manuka, I read in The Sunday Times that research has been done and there are quite a few fakes out there. That's grim news for me, I've been telling people I've not had an infection since starting to take it 5 months ago. My longest period infection free for nearly 4 years.
I now get Wellbeing, 20+ via Amazon and only take it when I feel dodgy. I hope it's the real deal, however I shall continue to take it even if it's just placebo.
Re stomach, I also had an ulcer once and have sensitive stomach. They now say that many ulcers are caused by a bacteria so perhaps active Manuka & it's antibiotic effect can play a part in keeping the stomach healthy too?
Have a lovely day everyone
Hi peeg, I looked up N-acetyl cysteine as it was being looked at for cystic fibrosis. I am sure I read that it was meant to reduce scarring in the lungs. It is also an amino acid I think so it is not a total chemistry set. It is expensive about £26. At the time I was coughing up large amounts of gunk. I found it helpful (might be a coincidence) and have bought some more. Not currently using it as i am on so many things and i don't want to antagonise the reflux. If i feel the chest is taking a major battering again I will definitely open the new jar. I get it from local health food shop who order it for me. It takes weeks. Holland and Barrett sell it for the same sort of price. It gets too expensive to buy all the requirements eg liquid iron, vit B complex, vit B12, vit C, vit this, vit that. It is not easy! Thinking about manuka honey but not sure about managing more expense. Take care
Good post, I never take anything apart from vit D but this year I'm going to start taking supplements. It's good that we are starting to talk about it now. My two sisters take Active 55 from Boots, Royal Jelly, Garlic and vit C. They also use Manuka honey from aldi, use take probiotic drinks every day. They are both older than me and much more healthy.
I'd be careful with this cheap Aldi Manuka honey. It's probably just showing the normal antibacterial activity level (that every honey has but doesn't last with digestion enzymes) and not the special activity that can be found in real active Manuka Honey. Based on the Sunday Times article and various other things I've read, I would stick to UMF manuka honeys.
just to back up c-djenisa comment:
UMF® is a quality mark set up by the Active Manuka Honey Association (AMHA).
It helps protect consumers from being misled into purchasing honey with little or no activity.
The UMF® quality mark consists of an internationally accepted measure of the additional antibacterial potency found in some manuka honey, as well as wider quality standards. Not only is the honey independently tested before being packaged, but AMHA run an ongoing monitoring and auditing process for further consumer confidence. The UMF® standard is the only independent, globally accepted measure of the antibacterial strength of manuka honey, and is also the only 'whole quality' system.
Read more:
There's another Manuka Honey blog which may be of interest also:
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