Mesothelioma is a type of cancer mainly caused by breathing in asbestos dust. It’s normal for people to get their first symptoms 30 to 40 years after they were first exposed to asbestos. You can read more about mesothelioma on our website at
At the BLF we are extremely grateful for the generous donations from members of our patron scheme which help fund mesothelioma research. As well helping to fund research, Humphreys & Co, GA Solicitors and Simpson Millar offer specialist legal advice and support for claimants and their families who have been affected by mesothelioma.
To find out more about the services they offer, please visit
Pleases note the companies listed above are Patrons of our Mesothelioma Research Fund. These companies have contributed financially to our mesothelioma research work. They are a valued partner of the British Lung Foundation and are independently accredited law firms. This partnership does not mean that we directly endorse their services. We consider each potential partnership very carefully and carry out all necessary due diligence. The British Lung Foundation remains a fully independent, impartial and unbiased provider of best practice health advice and support.