Well here is WHAT i written to my MP about.
Dear Mr / Mrs MP
Am writing today following publication, peer review of national lung cancer mesothelioma audit.
Paper was 2016 peer review publication and done by royal college of physicians as part of National Lung Cancer audit.
What interested me in paper was those hard to treat patients ie those suffering Alzheimer’s Dementia who have a asbestos related cancer mesothelioma.
Am personally interested as my own farther as Alzheimer’s Dementia and is suffering from a asbestos related cancer MAINLY mesothelioma.
In 2016 peer review into lung cancer mesothelioma THEY talk of how such patients given the multiple diseases are hard to treat and some are not recognised and go unrecognised.
Needless to say I have tried looking for resources for those suffering from asbestos related diseases who also have Alzheimer’s Dementia and there is none no resources with NICE or NHS Digital.
Something I have come to know to well guess that’s why am writing as they can’t keep going unrecognised being discriminated against when it comes to asbestos related diseases.
Also excluding those proportion of patients like my dad who are not recognised like peer review suggest I would of thought is discriminatory and a fundamental breach of there human rights.
If you could take issue up with elected officials health minster it would be much appreciated as no one in society should go unrecognized.
Yours sincerely