We have developed a survey in partnership with the Mick Knighton Mesothelioma Research Fund, it is quite long but shouldn’t take you more than 7-10 minutes to fill out (depending on how much you want to tell us!). Your answers will be completely anonymous and will be used to make sure that the Government and decision makers take into account the experiences of people living with mesothelioma and their families in the coming months, a time when many changes to the legal claims process are being discussed.
We aim to write a report on what we have learnt from the survey, and will share it here in May.
If you don’t mind sharing your experiences with us, then click on this link: blf.org.uk/mesosurvey which will take you to a page on the BLF website with a bit more information and a link to the actual survey.
Please let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer if I can.
Thank you!