Shielding : Shielding to stop at the... - Lung Conditions C...

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Sundance115 profile image
20 Replies

Shielding to stop at the end of July

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Sundance115 profile image
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20 Replies
2greys profile image

That more or less tallies with my last letter about shielding.

Just saw that. I’ll wait & see what happens & then decide what to do. There might be a second wave before then. So little is known about this virus, it’s scary. I don’t think the media realise that shielding was only ever advisory, not compulsory in any way.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

"I don’t think the media realise that shielding was only ever advisory, not compulsory in any way."

I am sure that somebody in power has said this or similar, "Shhh. Let them believe it is."

I am with you all the way, nobody knows what is going to happen, if the 2 metre rule is dropped then a second wave is probably a certainty and will make a mockery of all the social distancing done so far. A second wave is likely anyway, far to many people are and have been ignoring any distancing rules already. We will see in another week or two, as long as the statistics are not hidden or glossed over.

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPO in reply to 2greys

We will have results of 2 very good experiments, the marches in London/Bristol etc, where quite a few were wearing masks, and secondly the raves near Manchester, where I did not see a mask in sight on the 'phone pictures I saw.

All we have to do, is look at the increases in the various areas, these may even show a difference between the 2 groups as to amount of increase of the virus, masked as against unmasked. These may not be clinical trials, but should show us something.

Of course, if no increase at all, from 5 - 14 days from these gatherings, will make me wonder about Social Distancing.

in reply to SORRELHIPPO

3 experiments - don’t forget the cretins crowding out Bicester Village shopping centre on Mon. Some of these people must have a death wish

VELoce21 profile image
VELoce21 in reply to 2greys

I got a letter from NHS to say I need to shield until the end of June which I have been doing. Do I wait for them to say I don’t have to do it anymore?

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to VELoce21

If you are in a rush and wish to take an increased risk, there is nothing stopping you from going out now, you wont be breaking any laws.

crashdoll profile image

I am not surprised but I am somewhat concerned due to the nature of my job meaning I come into contact with so many people including visiting numerous care homes. Hmm.

knitter profile image

In the Guardian ‘ Charities call for clarity amid confusion over end to virus shielding ‘

The Guardian 17.6.20

It seems that the idea was mentioned in the Health Service Journal.

When asked about shielding proposal, a government spokesperson said they were considering next steps beyond July, taking medical and scientific advice. There will be a decision and announcement shortly .

I would like to know ‘ the science ‘ behind any decision.

Why wasn’t a proper statement made at the daily briefing yesterday, why an article in HSJ

Has there been any consultation with shielding groups ?

Does this issue concern England only ?

More confusion and uncertainty.

2greys profile image

If the telephone consultation I had with my Oncologist is anything to go by, there is going to be an awful lot of resistance from the medical fraternity towards a blanket ending of shielding. It will be another example of "one size suits all". There will have to be an individually tailored approach to this. Some patients almost have to be treated like "the boy in the bubble" even without the threat of Coronavirus.

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to 2greys

Just seen Telegraph headline ‘ Shielding for vulnerable to end next month ‘

I read the article decision yet made, details to follow, says government spokesperson.

But ‘ other government sources ‘ say....according to Telegraph...that we will be ‘ released from self isolation ‘

Daily Telegraph 17.6.20.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to knitter

It will be and always has been, down to personal choice whether to self-isolate. How long people continue shielding for will still be up to them. There will always be that risk of infection for a long time to come. When 'released from self-isolation' the Gov has a responsibility to inform people that a risk to them still remains.

Assume a high of 10% of the population has had the virus in 3 months then that means another 3 years plus to go to achieve "herd immunity". Remember the closer to achieving herd immunity, the slower infection rates will get. Precautions will need to be in place for a very long time yet, perhaps life will never get back to where it was pre-covid.

MacColl profile image
MacColl in reply to 2greys

Happy to follow my oncologists instructions - must stay Shielded until chemotherapy at home finished, and off steroids too which will also take a while. He'll have reported this to my GP too in his regular updates.

It was a pre condition to me getting the treatment, but already was shielded since it began due to the pre-conditions and other treatments.

K-Kilcoyne profile image

Wouldn't hold my breath, mind you I don't think I could anyway. 😷😂

Grandmatojack profile image

I have my respiratory Nurse Coming to do my blood gasses today so I’m going to ask her advise about going out. I’m going to allow my family to come in as they have all now been here due to husband collapsing. They are all very careful and aren’t socialising and are very careful never to come down if unwell.

garshe profile image

I have received a letter from the Welsh Government to continue shielding until end of August. This applies to Wales not England. Thank goodness our Government is not rushing things like England. 😷😷

Mrbojangles profile image

Just had a telephone consultation with the doc.

The view of him and his colleagues is come October/November we will see a massive resurgence in cases due to temperatures dropping and they are gearing up for such in their trust.

Mooka profile image

Apparently there is another letter coming out this week - don’t hold your breath waiting for it though. Advice from one of my doctors was also to go carefully despite what the government says. Stay well everyone x

LittlePaws profile image

i live in Wales and my latest letter advises shielding until august 16th, i'm going to carry on shielding anyway, people aren't distancing or wearing masks and i just don't feel safe going out

Bluenotes profile image

I had a phone call , end of July they said , but we can live in hope . Maybe it's really up to us to decide .🤔

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