After receiving 3 letters and many texts from the government and NHS placing me on the most vulnerable/at risk/shielding list, I contacted the GP to see if my 3 monthly blood test could be done at home so I did not break the leaving the house rule (blood test necessary due to being on immunosuppressants for the last 20 years or so).
Apparently this is not possible, They have informed me that I have to attend a different surgery (one that has been closed to normal patients, called a 'cold hub') and have my test there. I am to be met at the door, temperature taken and given a mask I will then be taken to a room where someone in full PPE will take the blood sample.
I cannot help but be worried about the additional risk I have to take simply by leaving the security of my own home and I am not really sure if this is the right thing to do or not.