I’m classed as vulnerable had the txt and letter telling me to stay in for at least 12 weeks and yet they say my husband can still go to work 😳 he’s a mechanic/mot tester and is classed as essential , what’s the point of me confining if he could possibly bring it home to me , we are sleeping separately we stay 2metres apart if we are in the same room etc etc but to be fair how do I know he’s not a carrier 🥴 I wish that partners of very vulnerable people should be advised to not go to work and be allowed to claim ESA or something more than ssp so we can continue to function semi normally financially at least x
Confused : I’m classed as vulnerable... - Lung Conditions C...

Check this out leslie,someone with a similar problem?sorry no time to reply tonight.x
Ski's and Scruff's
If you look on the gov web site, your partner should get 80% of his wages it is vital he stops at home as well to protect you.
But isn’t that only if his place of work shuts down x
The same position here Hun. High Risk. My Hubby has had to stay at Home (his Pub had to Close, he's a Bar Man) He is also my carer without carers allowance, He will get 80% of his wages paid by the Government. I receive Pension & PIP. He has to go out for Shopping & my Meds, And go through all the Hand washing Sanitising before leaving the House & on Return. We are only two at home and our Dog, We still Kiss every Morning & Night. You have to adjust to your Needs as best you Can. Stay Safe, Stay Well. C. XXX
Good morning Hacienda
I don't wish to seem unromantic or alarmist but I don't think the kissing is a great idea. I live with my wife and despite her going through all the precautions you mention we tend to do an elbow to elbow and remain 2 metres apart (apart from the elbow to elbow of course). I don't go out due to serious underlying health conditions and my wife and I are both very conscious of the possibility of her contracting the virus while out shopping.
Please be careful and keep safe.
Hi Hun, I understand what your saying. Hubby just come back from Shopping, went through the Wash hands, Anti Bac Wipes, shoes left outside, even the shopping had a wipe down as usual. We had a Kiss this morning on awakening, him on Sofa , me from bedroom, The next Kiss will be on Retiring to Bed. I won't stop the Kiss, you never know, it could be the last. Don't want to sound a Defeatist as I am most definitely not. carry on with your Daily Life in Safety Hun, Stay Well. PS; Earlier Kissed my Great Granddaughter who is one, all over her chubby face, Of Course it was Virtual, but I got those kisses back etched in my Heart. xxx C.
Hi. If you look on the acas site.
It mentions your situation and says your partner's company must offer him some kind of financial support ..
As he is included in the vulnerable group .
There is a lot of info to process which is confusing, he needs to talk to his employer and see what they are willing to offer him as he shouldn't be at work as he's putting you at risk.
I'm in the same position.
As well as working, my wife is also shopping for me and any of the packaging brought into the house could potentially carry the virus.
All you can do is minimise the risk as much as possible by distancing and cleaning.