I'm new.. This is my story.. Pneumoni... - Lung Conditions C...

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I'm new.. This is my story.. Pneumonia, sepsis and empyema

DLFC profile image
β€’47 Replies

Just wanted to share my story for a bit of self therapy! Just reflecting and getting things out... I appreciate I have been lucky and some people have had the same infection and had to overcome much more than me. However it has still been a traumatic experience.

I am 33, fit and healthy.

On November 22nd I was blue lighted from the GP surgery to the hospital with pneumonia and sepsis. The hospital staff misheard my temp from ambulance staff, and so had to quickly treat me in A&E when I should have been in ICU. Within minutes of arriving A&E staff had me hooked up, pumped full of saline, antibiotics and anti sickness. It was insane to go from how ill I was, to feeling almost human again in 2 hours. My pneumonia and sepsis were confirmed, and I was told I had a blood infection count of 600...a normal count is 6. Well I don't like to do things by halves.

1 week later the pneumonia was gone but I was still in pain. 5 days of investigations, and I was told I had a loculated empyema, so another fight on my hands. Another 2 weeks of Iv antibiotics and the possibility of an invasive operation.

Then as a wee cherry on top, on the day I was due to be discharged from hospital I caught a viral infection, with the symptoms being so similar to sepsis, I thought that was it... I had been in the hospital for almost a month and was too run down and too tired to fight. Luckily it turned out to be a viral infection that passed after a few dats... It was however the last straw for my immune system, which was already scunnered from the other infections and antibiotics.

So currently my blood counts are in my boots, and I'm quarantined to my house til I build up my immune system. Home and on antibiotics, as the empyema can come back if the bacteria isn't totally gone.

It's been mad experience in various shared wards.. I likened it to being in Big Brother, forced to live and converse with people you don't know and would probably never come accross in life.. I definitely have some stories πŸ˜‚.

A massive thanks to NHS Scotland. Although some of the staff I would question why the ever choose the professions, others were caring, respectful and thorough... and they saved my life! My family have also been amazing through all this.

This experience has been life changing, and I want it to mean something.. I don't know what yet.

But yea that's my story. And hello to the community.

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DLFC profile image
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47 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Hello and welcome, you have certainly had your troubles lately but thank goodness you are now over them. It's always nice to read about someone new joining the site. I hope you will continue to post, have a good night and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Damon1864

Yea just some pains and still tired and need to rest then get my fitness back up, but one day at a time as they say.

sassy59 profile image

Hello to you DLFC, what a story and one thing after another it seems. Pneumonia and sepsis give you lots to think about. It’s great you are recovering well.

Wishing you a great 2020 and nice to meet you. Xxxx

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to sassy59

Here is to a great 2020 for you as well.

Hello and big welcome to our group. A rather dramatic entrance but you have seemed to survive to join us thank goodness. After having Pseudomonas, Pneumonia and Sepsis five years ago, I know how scary and awful it is. Thankfully I was already in hospital with Pseudomonas an dPneumonia when they found Sepsis. 😳

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to

Yea it's been a roller-coaster. Sounds like you had a time of it as well!

Larsson7 profile image

Welcome DLFC,by god you have had it hard,Sepsis is becoming a Dangerous word.

Locally a little girl just under three died of Sepsis,at first they thought it was a sickness bug,it all happened within days,she died on the way to hospital.

God love their shattered parents.

I was given advice in this forum,which I’m carrying out to the letter this winter,after having three chest infections last year one after the other.

Thankfully it’s so far so good health wise.

Keep us informed of anything you want to get off your chest,and good luck


DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Larsson7

Yea I read about that sepsis case, really tragic. Yea they don't really tell you much about looking after your health and future planning when you are discharged from hospital.

Larsson7 profile image
Larsson7 in reply to DLFC

Don’t be put off by the crazy banter on here,Hacienda is awesome,to me age is only a number.

For now enjoy,


Spacecat1 profile image

Well done for being brave and getting through it all. Plentybof rest eat plenty and keep warm and drink plenty. Take care and welcome to the forum x

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Spacecat1

Plenty of rest is the hard bit! It's difficult when you are used to being busy. One day at a time.

Spacecat1 profile image
Spacecat1 in reply to DLFC

I do understand when I had to give up work it was very hard being so busy then suddenly not able to work was very hard

Hacienda profile image

Welcome to our Wonderful Forum Hun, Enjoy our Empathy, Putting our Health right as Best we can, and our Banter of the highest order. Hope you will have the Best Start to 2020. xxxx

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Hacienda

Thank you so much

skischool profile image

You are probably half the age of many of us on the dodgy lung site,your pneumonia and sepsis appear to be have been caught in time for successful treatment.the empyema should be disbursed with the antibiotics or you may need the assistance of a drain should it persist and hopefully you won't need any invasive surgery to remove some of the pleural lining infected.

i hope and imagine that you will regain full fitness again in time and your lungs will be as good as they possibly can be and it is but a fleeting visit to the dodgy lung site ,not that we don't welcome you with open arms and of course offer support but we hope fate decides that your future is not amongst us.

Best wishes for a full recovery....Ski's and Scruff's

Wildcatt_1984 profile image

Wow DLFC, that was some bad times, but building an immune system up confined to your must be much safer than in the hospital. I would like to share my story but not for a couple of days. Struggling with a chest infection again and feeling worn out. Will keep in touch if that's ok. Good night and sleep well.

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Wildcatt_1984

Yea definitely. Looking at ur bio and see you have had pneumonia a few times. And along with the chest infections that must be a hellish time. Repeat infections is a big worry going forward. And how aware do you become of germs and bacteria?!? It's crazy.

Glad you joined our forum and hope your feeling better. You seem to be a fighter thank goodness. Welcome. I agree the NHS Scotland have good and bad points I certainly agree on that,but the main thing is your ok now . Take care

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to

Yes ironically you have to be well enough to be able to ask doctors the right questions and give them the right information, and to remind the nurses of certain things at times. I was lucky I had family that could help with this when I was really poorly, but there were many older people on the ward who didn't have much help from family. But flipside... I'm alive! And met some really kind and intelligent nurses and doctors along the way.

in reply to DLFC

Good for you. I hope your health stays steady but take the recovery time to build yourself up. Always feel do so sorry for older ones who are so alone on the wards. All the best for 2020 when it comes. We could all fo with a better year here xx Maz

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to

All the best to you as well

in reply to DLFC

Thank you x

Katinka46 profile image

Welcome to this brilliant forum. But what a nightmarish journey you have had to get here. Thanks for telling us about it. Way, way back when the NHS started my mother said that one of the best things about it was that a duke would be in the next bed to a dustman. Which appealed to her socialism. And it is true that illness takes us to the bedrock of what it is to be human. And makes us appreciate what we share in common. I identify with the cache of stories you have come away from hospital with. You have an engaging way with words, how about writing it all down?

All the best

Kate xx

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Katinka46

Hi Kate. How nice of you to say. Yes writing could be therapeutic for me when I have all this time on my hands, keep the brain going... rather than binging on Netflix all day 😊

illawarra profile image

Hello and welcome. You have been through so much DLFC. Have a great recovery and best wishes for 2020.

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to illawarra

Best wishes to you as well.

Corin1950 profile image

What a story to wake up to!

Hope you have a speedy recovery DLFC and that 2020 sees you return to being β€œfit and healthy”.

Take good care of yourself

Best wishes


DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Corin1950

Fit and healthy with an endless supply of detol wipes for the gym equipment πŸ˜‚ have a great 2020

Caspiana profile image

Welcome DLFC . πŸ‘‹

I hope you feel much stronger and better very soon. Best wishes to you.

Cas xx 😊

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Caspiana

Thank you. Definitely feeling better, stronger will take a wee while yet.

Izb1 profile image

Hello DLFC and welcome to the site, sounds like you have ended the year with a load of problems but luckily you can start the new year germ free. Give yourself lots of tlc, rest up and get your immune system back up to scratch. Wishing you a healthy 2020 x

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Izb1

Bloods due to be taken on Monday so fingers crossed, but I'm definitely feeling better than I was so think my blood counts should be going in the right direction.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Hello and welcome 😊 I hope the new year Will be a much happier and more healthy one for you.

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Hope you have a healthy new year too πŸ‘

Jackieshep57 profile image

Gosh, you have been through the mill and then some. Think positive and hope you feel better soon.

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Jackieshep57

Thank you. I will get there, its just the worry of falling ill again. Just got to do all I can to help my health going forward.

Kittykat2 profile image

Welcome and best wishes to you ...day at a time is best πŸ’•x

Bingo88 profile image

Wow DLFC, You have had a bad time of it recently. They say things come in 3s. So lets hope you have had your share for now. And are on the way back to good health. Hope you have a lovely 2020 Brian

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Bingo88

Let's hope so!

Ergendl profile image

Wishing you a continued speedy recovery. Welcome to our friendly supportive group.

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Ergendl

Thank you for the welcome

BionicLady profile image

Hello DLFC,

Welcome to our forum, you have made quite the entrance!

You are a true fighter and very brave, please don't give up hope.

I am fairly new to the forum myself and completely understand that sometimes we just need to vent and speak to our friends that really understand what we face on a daily basis with our health and wellbeing.

Please do get things off your chest, even if you just want to have a moan, illness isn't always a bunch of roses and it can make us angry with the world but hopefully, you will find some comfort with just letting it all out.

Get well very soon.

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to BionicLady

What a lovely response, thank you so much. Today has been a hard day, feeling tired and jaded, but I appreciate I will have many ups and downs over the next few months.

BionicLady profile image

You have gone through in the space of a few days, what most people won't go through their whole lifetime so don't be so hard on yourself.

Our bodies are complicated machines but one day it will just click into place and you will get your health back, just take it easy and let it take its course. 🌈

DLFC profile image

So complicated, and until you are ill you really take your health for granted!

Aingeful profile image

I had pneumonia and near sepsis last month (my infection level was 350 so you are lucky to be alive!) It took a week in hospital on drips to get me functioning again. Pneumonia takes some recovering from,however your age is on your side? My lung pain has gone now but I am still very breathless. I take a day at a time. Your body needs time out to get well but it will do. Love and hugs.xx

DLFC profile image
DLFC in reply to Aingeful

Yea the doctor was very shocked when telling me how high my score was. And I was still pretty compos mentis and can remember everything. I guess because I am relatively young (although I gotta say I feel its been downhill since 30 πŸ˜‚) and relatively fit, although tell that to my wee body.. Lost over a stone a hospital and I'm already quite slim so that wasn't a good look.

Recovery time and how much pain and things I should be in is a worry for me, particularly regarding the empyema as there is really not much information around on that. Difficult to know what is "normal" and what is cause for concern.

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