Pre-diabetes - weird time to post this! - Lung Conditions C...

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Pre-diabetes - weird time to post this!

O2Trees profile image
40 Replies

Hi all,

I thought I'd pass on my latest discovery which is along the lines of "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food", in case it's helpful to anyone.

In September I was dxd with pre-diabetes, likely at least to be partly steroid induced, my blood test having gone up from 38 in April to 44 (42 being cut off point so a big increase in just a few months). Having been told it's reversible, and despite my GP worrying about my weight, I decided to stop sugar and simple carbs, i.e. cake, biscuits, bread, and eat more of protein, cheese, fish, meat with lots of veg. Not so different to what I normally eat but with the sweet things taken out, but with more oil, butter to replace the lost calories.

Despite being pretty skinny, I had had a very large protuding abdomen - it had got to where I couldnt do up my jeans, very noticeable.

Within a few weeks my stomach reduced and i could do up my jeans again, but on a tighter notch on my belt than before - my waist is 2" smaller. I started finding I could walk more easily. And yesterday I realised that the mucus I have had for years in my throat has halved and isnt sticky any more.

I find this amazing - I have always read that sugar is inflammatory and very acid, but I thought I was ok as I was eating a good diet overall. So I'm posting this in case anyone wants to try the same - likely after the festive season! PM me if you want any more details. My father had an awful time with diabetes which may be why I find it quite easy to motivate myself and I'm delighted with how it's going so far. Ive just today had a repeat of the crucial Hb1Ac diabetes blood test and obviously hoping it's reduced but even if not, it's been worth it.

Happy festive season to everyone :) :) :)

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O2Trees profile image
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40 Replies

Wow well done. I hope that the blood tests show the scientific result of your efforts. That is very encouraging for us all.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

Thanks LP - I'll let you know x :)

sassy59 profile image

That’s brilliant O2, you’ve certainly inspired me to give that a go. Pete too but he doesn’t know it yet. Lol.

Have a great Christmas and happy new year. Xxxxxx

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to sassy59

:D :D :D - and great xmas to you too xx

skischool profile image

Always said you were sweet enough Jean.:)just have to ensure those extra fats don't affect your cholesterol level but i imagine like most things with you they are already factored into the equation.:)

Ski's and Scruff's xx

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to skischool

We'll see - it's olive oil which is meant to be ok. Results tomorrow Skis xx

juney_99_antique profile image

This is a very interesting article. At the moment I am plagued with mucus and so I will be following your example and see what happens. I probably do eat more pastries than I ever did, why, I do not know. However your input has encouraged me to try different approach. Thanks for that 02Trees!

peege profile image
peege in reply to juney_99_antique

Go for it Juney, I promise you'll feel so much better x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to juney_99_antique

Thanks Juney - good luck when you give it a go :)

juney_99_antique profile image
juney_99_antique in reply to O2Trees

Will let you know. You always give good advice!

cofdrop-UK profile image

Really interedtimg Jean and I am so glad you are getting such good results.


O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to cofdrop-UK

Thanks Cof. How are you doing at the moment? (Sorry if Ive missed a post from you) xx :)

It's certainly worth thinking about and giving it a go. Pleased it worked so well for you. X

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

Cheers Majt :)

HungryHufflepuff profile image

I know I eat too much sugar but this is not the time for me to try cutting it out! Thank you for sharing though, what great news 😊Maybe after the festive season I’ll try to dig deep and find some self discipline and try to eat a better diet.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to HungryHufflepuff

We keep ourselves going the best we can HH. You can only do something like this when the time is right. In the meantime just enjoy what you're eating - that the best way to go! :)

zube-UK profile image

Sugar is sneaky and addictive, very difficult to cut out in all its disguises, alcohol etc., and don't forget too much protein will damage kidneys, it's finding the right balance for our own body type and condition. O2 you have earned a glittering gold star for your achievement in sussing this !. reduced waistline and mucus, impressed !.. Christmas pud??..

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to zube-UK

I think diet is balanced but good point re the kidneys zube. No xmas pud, just pears cooked in red wine which will be the only alcohol that passes my lips this xmas. I love xmas pud that would have been hard but my partner, daughter and sister arent bothered about having it!

:) :)

This self test anyone can do if have blood glucose machine and test strips

Am not 100% on numbers but think using diabetes home monitor blood suger kit can test your self

They say if stop eating at 22.00 hours and only have water 💦 till you rise THEN test blood suger using home monitor IF it’s over 7mmol you are pre diabetic.

Clearly it’s home self test SO is always worth talking over any results with doctors so can be properly checked out.

Gladwyn profile image

You have inspired me to cut out all the sweet stuff I tend to gobble in the evenings...though how I will do that I don't know ... Handcuffs maybe lol. I have type 2 diabetes and shouldn't be eating any sweet stuff at allbut I've just ignored it. Copd will probably get me before the diabetes really kicks in.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Gladwyn

It's a balance of risk isnt it? The easiest way is probably just not to buy the sweet things. Then even if you eat them outside the house, you've started to limit them. Good luck! :)

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to O2Trees

Very true. I think it's just too near Xmas to start today so I've nominated the 27th to be that day. 😀

Izb1 profile image

Good news O2 and very encouraging. I can do without the sugar but find it difficult giving up bread, fruit and veg just dont fill me up long enough. Well done you x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Izb1

I have half a banana on small amount of porridge (whole grain ie. jumbo oats) and one apple a day, maybe a few blueberries. The nutrients from these things are important. :)

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to O2Trees

Hi, yes I have all these as well. My diet is very good, I cook from scratch have loads of fruit/veg but just cant give up the bread, its very strange x

Shirleyj profile image

Sounds great, I will try it after Christmas od course. Hope your results are good x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Shirleyj

Thanks - I'll post again when I get them :)

Dedalus profile image

Thanks for this wake-up call. I am a notorious sweet eater (all kinds) so will make a concerted effort to at least cut down x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Dedalus

Good luck Dedalus! :)

jackdup profile image

Very interesting and certainly worth a try, thanks for the information and Merry Christmas to you as well.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to jackdup

Have a good one jackdup :)

Mavary profile image

Hi O2trees. I too have just been diagnosed with being Pre diabetic. I going to have Christmas and then There’s a class that is run a few miles away. I will go to that and try to sort myself out. They advise you on exercise and diet. I’ve just lot one and a half stone and am now 8st 6 lbs. admittedly I’ve always liked my sugar but going on a Weight Watchers diet this has been very limited. I don’t really understand why I have this diagnosis unless it’s caused by the medication I’m on.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Mavary

Steroids can cause pre-diabetes/diabetes Mavis, so if you've taken lots in your lifetime, that could well do it. I was also surprised by my dx and assume the steroids are something to do with it. :)

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to O2Trees

Thank you for the information. XX

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Mavary

I could get quite cross with myself for having to take a steroid inhaler. I’ve got broken bones because of it and now it looks like it’s causing the pre diabetes. At the moment I’m on 2x200 twice a day. So I presume I’m on 800 mg a day. My letter from the Consultant I saw a couple of weeks ago said I could cut down to 100 mg Twice a day. That seems like a big jump without cutting down a bit first.

watergazer profile image

Well done. O2 x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to watergazer

Thank you! :)

peege profile image

Funnily enough I've been on a low carb, loads of veg and good protein for a few months - it was for health and weight loss as I've got much heavier with the wretched CFS & lack of energy to live my normal life.

I lost 12lbs but the best thing I noticed was never ever feeling hungry or feeling the usual effects of low blood sugar. Was diagnosed pre-diabetic 3 yrs ago, also had very high cholesterol since before we met.

Definitely let things slip lately with this awful wet weather & being unable to walk my daily 5 miles - not to mention way too many mince pies/chocolate & rubbish.

Result: last week I had my first hypo for a long time. It was just the other evening, 15 minutes from home, only had a 4 old Polo's in my bag and was absolutely desperate, it's the most awful feeling, legs like jelly, hardly able to put one foot in front of the other. For the 1st time I thought I'd end up in a heap in the dark & rain.

An open corner shop, 2 bananas got me home.

I'm kicking myself now that I'd lost the self control to stick to my regime, I'd felt so well - and loose jeans made me happy, still, I know I can do it so I will

So pleased you've had your surprise result J 😘😘

PS did you check out Michael Moseley info?

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to peege

Hi Peege. If I can do it anyone can. It is hard at first but when you get into it you’re fine. I love the feeling of loose trousers. The trouble is I’ve dropped a size and the trousers I liked nearly fall down now. I am being naughty at the moment. I thought I’d get Christmas over with then start being good. XX

O2Trees profile image

You'll do it again P - I know you. Ive found it surprisingly easy though Im sure I will eat more than usual over xmas. But at the moment, getting ready for it has meant ive exercised less and im putting on a pound or two. Also have gone back on to an anti-depressant, extremely low dose but that could be causing a small weight gain. We'll see!

Just enjoy your xmas P, the onwards and upwards in the new year. Youhave a good one

xxx :) :)

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