Has anyone had adverse effects of this years flu jab? I have been poorly for days. 😣
Flu jab: Has anyone had adverse effects... - Lung Conditions C...
Flu jab

Hi got the flu 🤧 jab just over a week ago,plus the shingles jag.
Early days so far so good,now the bad bit.
Got the flu jab last year.within 4 weeks of getting it I got a chest infection,I ended up with 3 Chest infections in 7 months,hell on earth ,have recovered now but not looking forward to the winter.
I hope your not feeling well is only temporary,good luck keep me posted.
I had mine and the next day came down with a terrible cold but it lasted for weeks. The nurse said it doesn’t start working for 2 weeks so if you are ill it was in your system before you had the jab🤔
Hi, I have has a flu jab each year for 25 years with no side effects. This year the nurse said to expect a possible feeling of being unwell as the contents were different this year. She was right, this time I had a headache for 48 hours and an achey arm, nothing major. Sounds as if there have been some side effects this time round. As long as it protects us from a major flu outbreak thats all that matters.
The evening of having the flu jab, I started with severe lung pain. It got worse over the weekend. On the Monday I felt so ill I struggled into the doctors and diagnosed with Pleuricy. 3 weeks of antibiotics later I still can do nothing. Was it the flu jab? every year I get ill for months after the flu jab and every year I wonder if I dare have it.... Never know! It's a kill or cure gamble each year.

Thanks Lyndenese 😃
Yep woke up next day aching all over with legs like jelly & hot sweats . Only lasted couple of days though 😏
Yes. Had the flu jab two weeks ago and next day jabbed arm was stiff and aching then the headaches started with more joints aching. Lasted about 5 days and just felt 'offish' and really tired. Still, its a small price to pay if it protects me from getting the flu. Just have to make sure you are feeling well before you get the jab.
Thanks HappyJo😃
Did you have the over 65 or under 65 vaccine? Apparently they're different though the side effects actually seem quite similar. I felt a bit off for a few days but nothing dreadful, my arm still aches though a month on! But not nearly as bad as it did, and if the vaccine works it's a small price to pay. Hoping you feel better soon.
I had the flu jab last year and a week or two later i had a terrible chest infection. I was very ill for 3 months , I dare not risk having the flu vaccine this year in case it make me ill again, I am aware that its a dead virus they inject ,but i prefer to trust my instincts and not get it.
I got a bad reaction to it last year,took 6 courses of different antibiotics and prednisone to finally overcome it.
As I’ve already posted not long after my flu jab I had a chest infection,followed by two others,not eating much(lost Weight)feeling terrible.holiday in Portugal started my recovery,thank god
Got the flu 🤒 jab for this year two weeks ago.heavy cold,but feeling better now,taking all precautions,anti-bacterial hand gel all the time,scarf for my knock to keep warm,as they say.
May the force be with me.
I had a reaction after mine. Best described as flu like feelings for 3/4 days. I hope you feel better soon
Yes, had it last wednesday and been coughing,sore throat,nasal/sinus blockage ever since,today my chest feels quite tight,no pain but feels like my clothes are too tight.
I feel lucky after reading these posts I had my first ever flu and pneunonia jabs 2 week ago no adverse affects at all ..Hope you get better soon ❤️
Yes. The over-65 version contains an adjuvant which enhances the immune response to the inactivated virus in the jab. In previous years, the vaccination had little effect on the over-65s as their immune systems didn't respond sufficiently. This one definitely works - my wife and I felt ill for days afterwards, but that's probably better than having the real thing!
I haven't had a flu shot since I was in the service . 49 years ago and haven't had the flu ever.
No, just a slight snuffly feeling as if a cold was trying to take hold for a few days but nothing of concern.
Yes I was ill for over a week after flu jab , cough, temp, cold sore, and definatley bought on by flu Jab.
I got the over-65 jab. No ill effects except for a sore arm, which isn't much to complain about. I don't know if I've ever had the flu. I've had bad colds that turned into bronchitis. Probably feels about the same, I imagine.