I have Copd, I am going for my annual flu jab on Wednesday morning, those that have had it, any side effects this year?
Flu jab: I have Copd, I am going for my... - Lung Conditions C...
Flu jab

Hi, I have had a flu jab for the last 25 years with #no side effects whatsoever. I had mine last week and for the first time had an unpleasant headache and felt unwell. Nothing major I must add. It lasted 48 hours and I was fine afterwards. Apparently a few people felt the same this year. At least you will be prepared now.
I’m having mine tomorrow. I’ve just finished a course of amoxicillin and prednisone today so hope it’s ok to have the flu jab tomorrow.
hi gladwyn, i would check with nurse giving the vaccine, as i can only have flu jab on friday 18/10 which is the 2 weeks after i finished rescue pack. Not because of doxycycline but because of the pred
Ah.... I did tell her I had just finished pack of steroids yesterday and she hesitated and said the flu jab would be OK as I hadn't previously had any problems but decided not to go ahead with the pneumonia one she was about to give me at the same time so I have an appointment on the 5 th Nov for that one. I must admit the jab area is ready and slightly swollen and in already feeling very tired so maybe I will have a slight reaction to this flu one but I'll recover 😀
oh thats good that they're aware, hope you're feeling better soon i know a few people have reported feeling tired and my husband had a bad headache for most of that day but was fine the day after. Best wishes
I was quite apprehensive about having the flu vaccine which I had last Wednesday. My arm felt sore and my fingers felt numb for several days, my arm is still a bit sore. Saturday evening I was off my food which is most unlike me, though this could be totally unrelated. Otherwise nothing significant, and certainly it was worth putting up with a bit of discomfort to hopefully be protected from the flu. When I got the jab I was told they're expecting a very bad strain of flu this year. So it's definitely worth getting the vaccine. Hopefully you don't get any bad reaction to it.
Hi welshtony ,
Mum didn't do very well after hers. She came down with the flu. But I must say every year she is usually fine. Many litigating factors I am sure. Just get plenty of rest after and don't touch the injection site. I hope it goes well for you.
Cas xx 🙋
The vaccine does not contain any live viruses, so it cannot cause flu. You may get a slight temperature and aching muscles for a couple of days afterwards, and your arm may feel a bit sore where you had the injection. Other reactions are rare, and flu vaccines have a good safety record.
Try telling my mum that. She's convinced. 😢😖
Many thanks for your replies.
This time I felt unwell for one day which hasn’t happened before though I had the 65+ jab this time. One of my friends was quite poorly for a few days X
I had mine on Saturday and was told the same thing as Hungryhuff that the NHS are expecting a bad year.
I had a sore arm for a day or two but feeling fine now.
I had flu only once in my early twenties and I can still remember how ill I was. My husband got flu Jab 18 and was really poorly. Very grateful that the flu protected me.
No side affects except usual tenderness where they did injection
I finished my Rescue Meds, having a Chest Infection , then had my Flu Jab, No soreness, though still have a lingering Cough, otherwise I am fine after the Jab. xxx
I was fine. Have been resisting a cold since, but that was probably because I was mixing with more people than usual afterwards with our arts festival.
Just tender at injection site for a day- same as normal for me again
I suppose it depends on the individual. I had a sore arm and felt "sniffly"for a few days as is a cold was coming on. It's better than getting flue . My only complaint is that you don't get Dolly Mixtures anymore 😂.
Good luck.
I had mine a couple of weeks ago & the pneumonia jab, no side effects at all!! I have COPD emphysema & asthma.
Good luck x
Had mine 4 days ago, bit of a headache & temperature since them & arm still very sore but basically ok.
No effects whatsoever but a friend did. She was unwell for a few days.
Arm was a bit sore and I felt a bit out of sorts for a couple of days
I will go and have my flu jab on wednesday, and I thank you all for your responses
Non this year as usual
The vaccines being used this year are passive....they contain no live cultures so there should be no adverse reactions.
The current over 65 jab has an enhancement which stimulates the immune response, and it definitely had an effect on me! You may recall that previous jabs were considered ineffective for the over 65s because their immune response was too compromised to respond properly. This one certainly works better, as it's the first time I've ever had an effect from the jab, but it fades into insignificance compared to the real thing. So give yourself a few days to recover and you'll probably be better protected from the real thing than you would have been in the past.
Both husband (asthma) and I (bronchiectasis) had our ‘flu jabs a couple of weeks ago, and no after effects at all, other than my slightly bruised arm - but then, I bruise if you look at me, so nothing new there!
Maybe they use different vaccines in different parts of the country, but we truly had no problems at all.
Did feel a little hot a few days later and sleepy. Had a nap and back to normal .Hubby had same reaction . Nothing drastic though and feeling great now.
Sheila x
Achy arm, nothing more.
Sore throat and cold symptoms two days after and strangely : heightened anxiety and first panic attack for a few years. I guess all brought on by the immune response.
I had mine a couple of weeks ago. I had a stiff arm for a day or so but apart from that, all is good. Been having it for quite a few years now and the only one that knocked me for six was the swine flu one. Worst headache I have ever had all day and night, aching all over and terrible sweats but only for that day and night.
I had the flu jab for over 65 year olds which was apparently different than the regular one for everyone else and I felt a little unwell for about a week on and off .
Just an achey muscle where it went in for a couple of days.
Hi no side effects from mine, not even a sore arm this year. Have never had side effects in 15 years or the flu!