Did anyone have any side effects of the flu jab this year?
Flu jab: Did anyone have any side... - Lung Conditions C...
Flu jab
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Hi, I had my flu jab last Thursday & apart from a slight tenderness in my arm for a couple of days, I've been absolutely fine.
Have you experienced problems?
Take care π
Hi Niamh,I had my flu jab 14 hours ago.I feel fine no achy arm or anything.I have heard a few have a sore arm for few days and one or two upset tumbs but I,m ok.Did you have problems with it?D. π
I always get a sore swollen arm....but strangely, not this year.
Velvet xx
same here Velvet, but OH had a very stiff shoulder for a couple of days. Otherwise, all OK. x
I had my flu jab about a week ago - no problem with arm but ached all over. Still don't feel 100% but I'm very stressed at the moment so that doesn't help. Jan xx
Yes. I had flu type symptoms for a few days after it. First time I have ever really had anything.
I had my flu jab two weeks ago.
Absolutely fine. Not even a sore arm.
I have to say that's how it is every year in my case!!
Take care.
Ann βΊ
Just a slightly sore arm
No. First time in 3 years it didn't make me feel rough
Had mine a couple of weeks ago, no bad reaction at all.
I felt ok only thing arm was bit sore this year but I did wake up laying on it was ok couple of hours after I got up ,
Thanks all. I'll reply individually when I get a chance- baby to feed! I went to bed Sunday night and woke up two hours later with a raw sore throat and headache so just wondering if it's related
The day after I had my flu jab was my birthday so we went out to lunch, I felt fine until I got home afterwards when I felt cold. I sat in the chair and slept all afternoon, always sleep when I am not well, didn't want anything to eat the rest of the day. It wasn't the meal because my stomach wasn't upset, so I put it down to the flu jab. Never happened before. Keep smiling
Carole x
I like some of the others had a sore for a few days. Otherwise no other problems at all. The sooner you have it the better because it take about 10 - 14 days for your immune system to respond fully.
I had flu jab last Monday, didn't think any more about it, on Thursday had sore throat and tight chest by Friday felt like I had chest infection. Could be a coincidence or it could be the jab. Have bronciectasis so often feel chesty. All ok now x
Had mine about three weeks ago. Last year and this my arthritis has been worse around the same time, may be jab may just be time of the year. Arm ache was less than usual this year.
I had mine 2weeks ago just a sore arm.
Last year I did, I was ill for about 6 weeks after it, but I cant prove that it was the flu jab that made me ill, but this year I have refused to take it, so see how I get on with out it.
No, none at all! XX
I usually have a very sore red arm were they inject me but this time it did not hurt there. However I did ache all over and my joints were painful for nearly a week?
Be Well
Mine was fine & no side effects, although a slightly amusing aspect to it which set my mind wandering about health professionals.
I have a 5-point star tattoo on my upper left arm. Last year the nurse made a big song & dance about how the upper point perfectly marked the point where she needed to put the needle; this year the (different) nurse was hugely apologetic that she had no choice other than to stick the needle in the middle of the tattoo.
Almost makes you think they make it up as they go along...............
Sore arm with a low hard red swelling for a week but otherwise ok.
Had jab last Tuesday and no effects so far.
I had mine 2 weeks ago and have had no side effects at all, but then again, I never do.
Had mine 2 weeks ago, just a sore arm for 24 hrs , usually the same every year.
I didn't.
Had mine over 2 weeks ago and no problems.
Just had a sore arm for a day, but nothing else xx
Refuse to have it, not a believer in mass jabs of any kind, who knows the what the next strain of flu virus will be? It's all a money making racket from the big Pharma's and every jab pays the doctors loads, research natural remedies, garlic, ginger and turmeric are fantastic natural cures, wise up people!
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