Had my flu jab today, don't forget yours it's very important also had pneumonia jab so please get your if you are due.ππ
Flu jab: Had my flu jab today, don't... - Lung Conditions C...
Flu jab

Our flu jabs are booked for 8th October. Pete needs to check re pneumonia jab. Take care btown. Xx
Mine is due 8th October and the pneumonia too. Although somewhat confused as I had the pneumonia jab done in 1999 was told it lasts for a lifetime. Have they changed the goal posts, as my new GP now says every 10 years ?? xx
I was offered the shingles vaccination on Saturday when I had the flu one. I leapt at it. A friend down the road had severe emphysema, has had two operations to install end-bronchils valves. They have not been successful, seven months ago she stared with shingles, then got pneumonia, and now she had post herpetic neuralgia. Horrendous pain. Described by doctors as "intolerable". She is on maximum morphine and is due to have an injection this week to numb the nerve. Until the pain in under control her surgeon is not prepared to do lung volume reduction surgery. i did not realise that COPD patients are so at risk of shingles, apparently it is well known. So if offered I would advise anyone to go for it.
Whoops.... Just wrote lung "education" surgery instead of "reduction". Nearly left it as an interesting typo.
Katinka46 I never realised that us COPDers were needing a vaccine against shingles. Flu and pneumonia I knew about. I will definatley ask my Doctor. Thanks and sorry to read about your lady friend who has been so very I'll. So frightening for her. In hope she's getting done sort of pain relief that works for her now. Poor lady,its just so unfair when our bodies are attacked by multiple illnesses.
Kate - that sound just absolutely horrible, just one bad thing following on from another. Here's hoping that the injection helps.
I did not know of that either, but have not been offered shingles vaccine. I certainly would have it. I did get a flu jab in the Chemists the other day though so that saves me a trail down to the surgery in October. Thankyou for the advice re shingles vaccine, it is always worth asking even if you are not eligible.
Hi Hidden & SquirrelsHolt Funnily enough I looked this up a while ago, & NHS policy is to offer it on basis of age, but not otherwise. This year anyone who was 70, 71, 72, 73 or 79 on 1 September is eligible. Those 80+ aren't, as it's not thought to be effective for them. People whose immune systems are severely compromised (eg by cancer, or high-dose steroids) shouldn't have it.
I've had shingles, it was nasty, but not terrible. I think it depends where on the body you get it, & how ill you are already. I went back to work after 5 days, & felt fine within 2 weeks. Maybe I was just very lucky!
Hidden and SquirrelsHolt .....not eligible then. You did well to get over the shingles so quickly.
Mine tomorrow. Thank you. Take care. XXX
I get the flu jag every year not had my letter yet. But I did get the pneumonia last year.
Oh, thanks for the reminder btown π
I usually have mine in October. Must phone π± the surgery tomorrow & enquire π·when they will be giving them.
btown got to take mine it's been a year is there a difference I've never taken the pneumonia shot would you advise it?
I don't know if the flu shot is the same here in the US as it is in other countries but a report just came out saying they found weedkiller (phenol) in our flu shots, as well as aluminum, formaldehyde and a bunch of other non-desirable nasties. Too each their own since it is your own body, I'm just saying it doesn't hurt to research what you're injecting into your body before its done. I've personally never gotten one and never will.

Hidden I Heard THAT!_Say it
Here are a few, again I believe it is up to each person to decide what they believe and what they do with their body.
(#18 on the list of this link lists the ingredients for each kind of flu shot for the 2016-2017 season)

Very interesting. Thank you.
Sorry Wizzle, but I strongly disagree with the anti-vaccine argument. This board is not the place for such discussions though.
I'll simply say that as a lifelong asthmatic, and more recently diagnosed with COPD and Bronchiectasis, and as someone who's suffered from a bout of pneumonia back in 2004-2005 (it was through the Christmas/New Year period) then I will ALWAYS, get my flu shot. Every year. Without fail.
I'll be honest and say I don't give a toss what is in the vaccine, just as long as it keeps me alive. And it's done a damn good job of that for many years, I'm not about to stop now.
My surgery usually book us in early October, so I'll be getting my flu shot in a few weeks.
Getting mine done on Sunday. I agree that I think is necessary and believe we should be grateful we live in a country where we can access vaccinations.
Just like Zika vector control (organophosphate insecticide) that inhibits acetylcholinesterase not unlike nerve gas; so flu (jabs) will introduce significant toxins: mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. Then to add insult to injury the vaccine formulation will "miss" the viral pathogen but not so with the toxic components mentioned
I'm booked in for Saturday Btown, you got yours early, most surgeries don't start till October. Thanks for reminding us all
Our surgery always do the flu jabs in October. Thanks for the reminder. It has kept me well for the last few winters.
Hi everyone, just wanted to say yes, we have a choice whether we take up the flu vaccination, however for people with any type of lung disease I think you'd be daft not to. I've been having the jab for as long as I can remember 20+ years... I have a constructive lung defect, one collapsed lower lobe, asthma, 29% lung volume & Type II resp failure. In Feb despite having had the jab as usual in October I contracted Swine flu & was in hospital for 12 days - it was a v horrendous & scary experience, bearing in mind they can only do so much as antibiotics don't work against viruses - however I got compilations of a secondary infection, so then had I/v ab's. I was a truly horrendous & took me 6 months to recover. I asked my GP why I'd had the jab & it hasn't worked - she said 'put it this way, if you hadn't had it, there's a good chance I wouldn't be speaking to you now!' I admit that did shake me a bit, which is why I feel it's a no-brainier. Hope everyone stays as well as they can this winter π
* sorry should've said 'constructive' lung defect, not constructive !
I have never had the flu jab and the pneumonia jab is a one off and lasts for 10 years. Mine has expired and I was told you only have it once.
They say the pneumonia jag is a one off and lasts for 10 years. But if you have a medical condition that affects your immune system. You can have it again when the first runs out. I have had two. Due to having autoimmune disorders.
My doctor's surgery offers the shingles vaccination, but you have to 70 or over!
Hi btown I had mine yesterday as well π